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[color:green]Cincinnati Records Proudly Presents

in association with Toyota Yaris/Exclaim Magazine



DRAGONETTE, featuring Martina Sorbara & members of The NEW DEAL


1 Local Guest TBD

7:30PM Drs, 8:30PM Show

Tickets on sale Now || Licensed/All-ages || $12


306 King St W | 905-521-4441

More Info brodiebooksrock@yahoo.ca



At the rate they’re going, whether they mean to or not, The Most Serene Republic will alter the way in which people appreciate rock music. It might sound like a lofty achievement for an unlikely band of 20-somethings bred in the Toronto suburb of Milton, Ontario but if you pay close attention to their discography—particularly 2007’s Population—you’ll hear something entirely unique. Don’t disregard their dense art-pop breakthrough Underwater Cinematographer (2005) or the transitional tour EP, Phages (2006) completely; these are the keys to understanding how The Most Serene Republic came to form the masterful achievement that is Population, which might seem superficially sugary if it weren’t for the poison lurking under its remarkable layers of sound.

Indeed, it’s difficult not to be swept up in the musical fray produced by The Most Serene Republic, which has undergone recent changes. In 2006, a brand new rhythm section comprised of bassist Simon Lukasewich and drummer Tony Nesbitt-Larking joined Jewett, Lenssen, vocalist/guitarist Emma Ditchburn, and guitarists Nick Greaves and Sean Woolven. Fans of the band will note that Population boasts a familiar bubbling sonic landscape with raucous, arty, pop structures and walls of ambient noise but the band are even heavier and mightier rhythmically than in the past. “I think we sound far more professional and the ideas started to meld,†Lenssen says. “The level of musicianship and the desire to be the best we can possibly be at any given moment started to happen in the last year.â€

Furthermore, there’s the addition of vocalist Ditchburn to the mix. On Underwater Cinematographer, Jewett’s high voice was a pretty, wondrous thing, floating beautifully over the dynamic musical shifts and voices that surrounded him. Live, he and the band unleashed themselves on audiences with manic energy and force, holding their own on tours with the Strokes, Metric, Stars, and Broken Social Scene. On Population, Jewett shares the microphone with Ditchburn’s comparably deep and sensual voice, and the sophisticated intermingling creates a whole new instrument for The Most Serene Republic.

In challenging themselves to make music that is wholly unique yet spirited and engaging, The Most Serene Republic are far away from award shows and prizes. Population isn’t easy, it’s art—a musical call to arms for people to choose whether they’re passive patrons or sincerely down with having their minds blown. As such, like all great albums, Population isn’t going to come to you, you’re going to have to go to it.



Described as a rock band who write pop songs, Dragonette are hot new stars with a twist! How can they possibly be different, I hear you cry? They’re a married couple for starters. Who gets married anymore? So old fashioned!

Dragonette consists of Martina Sorbara and Dan Kurtz. They met at a festival...

Martina: "I was the only chick on the bill, and I was singing what we affectionately call ‘tampon music’… You know, singer-songwriter, Ani DiFranco, Lilith Fair, Jewel-type music… tamponics! I didn’t wanna be strumming my fucking guitar for ever. I was so bored of that scene."

Dan: "I was in an improvisational, experimental, drum & bass and breakbeat trio. We were from pretty disparate musical areas, the two opposite ends of this Nickelback moment that was happening on the eastern coast of Canada..."

Martina: "and then we screwed."

Dan: "And then I left my girlfriend."

They currently reside in London and share a house with their drummer Joel.

They’re a duo, but kinda not at the same time. The remaining Dragonette outfit are drummer Joel Stouffer and guitarist Will Stapleton. A melting pot of sexual energy and 80’s synthpop. They are perfectly happy making music that isn’t introspective, indie or overly emotional. Oh yeah, and random fact of the day - Martina’s stylist is best friends with Anamatronic from the Scissor Sisters.






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