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Nero and Blue Quarter


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Originally posted by inca roads:

To the critcal thinkers, sometimes life is to good to be analzyed.

Not to make too big a point of it, but I disagree with that statement, especially when we're discussing music and particular musicians, which we are here.

I welcome ahess6488's perspectives on this thread. I don't think this person is being overly critical or harsh, just calling it as they see it. It's kind of a shame we have to tip-toe around the feelings of the musicians, especially when we're not intending to be inflammatory, merely constructive, or at the very least, observational. What makes these debates so intense is not necessarily the initial criticism but the defensiveness of the responses to it.

I've had members of bands ask me to my face why I don't seem to dig them so much and it was my impression they were really starved to hear something other than blind encouragement and perpetual praise.

Having said that, I heard again last night at BQ how Nero kicked ass at moedown and for that I am very proud of them. Go for it guys! [big Grin]

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Thanks MarcO, that was well put. And thanks for pointing out that my comments, while not constructive, were just one person's observation.

B&Z, I see what you're getting at with the Jimi comparison, I think you could run with it actually. Nero is a trio that's fronted by a guitar wizard, and with a talented rhythm section supporting him. To shed light on my personal taste a bit, and to understand why I've been leaning toward the Slip, consider that they are also a trio, but one in which three musicians interact not only with one another on stage, but with their audience as well. Jimi didn't necessarily interact with his audience, he was a showman of the highest calibre backed by incredible rhythm sections (both the experience and band of gypsys, although the gypsy's guys got a little more up-front time than Noel and Mitch).

As far as taking talent for granted..talent is completely subjective and no one is expected to recognize it just because Lauzon might die in a plane crash tomorrow. Should we chastise people like my Dad who didn't like Elvis? Or people who didn't like the Beatles? Or people who didn't recognize and glorify this seemingly objective talent that you're referring to?

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Hey ahess.....you posted this above, perhaps this had a notable effect on your mood and judgement that night....??

"was enjoying myself in the beginning but was given some "dirty" mushrooms which weren't sitting well for a while, leaving me feeling pretty sketchy and antsy for a while."

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