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NDP member sorry after launching laptop furor


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NDP member sorry after launching laptop furor

An NDP MP has apologized to a Conservative colleague after alleging that he viewed an image of a “scantily clad woman†on his laptop in the House of Commons.

The strange allegation was made Wednesday during a point of order in the House by the NDP's Irene Mathyssen.

Ms. Mathyssen said she spotted inappropriate material on Conservative MP James Moore's laptop when she stood to address the House Tuesday.

Later Wednesday Ms. Mathyssen phoned Mr. Moore, who explained that the image was of his girlfriend, according to a news release from the NDP.

The release stated Ms. Mathyssen accepted the explanation and apologized, and said she would make a formal statement in the Commons at the earliest opportunity.

Earlier Wednesday the allegation caused quite a stir in the Commons.

“I saw the member from Port Moody-Westwood-Port Coquitlam with a laptop on his desk. It was open and on the screen was an image of a scantily clad woman. This was in my clear view and in the clear view of the public,†Ms. Mathyssen said at the time.

“I feel very strongly that this is not only disrespectful of women, but it's disrespectful of this House. It reflects an attitude of objectifying women, and we know that when women and other human beings are objectified and dehumanized, they become the objects of violence and abuse.â€

At the time Mr. Moore appeared stunned by the allegation, especially after it was amplified by Liberal MP Karen Redman, who said it was a “very serious allegation†and suggested Mr. Moore “look in his heart, perhaps look on his laptop.â€

“I don't, frankly, have the faintest idea what my colleague is talking about,†Mr. Moore said.

“I've taken great efforts throughout my political career to treat all my colleagues with the deepest of respect. I don't know where this attack is coming from, where these allegations are coming from. It is utterly baseless, utterly nonsensical.â€

Speaker of the House Peter Milliken quickly ruled the matter was not a point of order and should not be heard by him.

Mr. Moore, who represents the B.C. riding of Port Moody-Westwood-Port Coquitlam, is a former radio show host and broadcaster. He was first elected in 2000 at the age of 24, the youngest person to be elected to Ottawa in B.C. history, according to his official biography.

He serves as parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, and also as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Pacific Gateway and the Vancouver-Whistler Olympics.

Ms. Mathyssen is the MP for London-Fanshawe; Ms. Redman represents Kitchener Centre.


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