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Shock of the morning (Ween content)


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So we're driving into work this morning, I'm scanning through all the channels on Sirius, searching for Bon Jovi (in vain, as it turns out..which is weird, because on a normal day, you can generally find Bon Jovi on at least 2 channels at any given time) and I see Ween is being played. I flipped to that station immediately and it's...CBC...?!!!

Rock on, CBC!!!

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Holy sheepshit batman...Wonder what song...They sold out a while ago in that Honda commercial. Probably Ocean Man.

Mind you didn't Freedom of '76 get some airtime a while back?

BTW, riding the bus this morning, I noticed an ad for Sunshine Records...They've got a JBJ figurine for sale...He's wearing a tight blue sleeveless "t" and jeans...

How's that for a shock? ;)

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