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Ottawa Art Lovers


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hey folks, thought I'd give a plug for my good friend's art show happening at City Hall. It's called "Farmer's Requiem" and is a really powerful film/exhibition. It's running a few more weeks so I'd really encourage you to check it out. He just sent me a message saying that he's going to be included in Canada's "Top 10" movies shown at the Toronto Film Fest, which is a pretty big deal.

Here's teh description of the show:

November 16, 2007 to January 6, 2008

The City of Ottawa presents Farmer’s Requiem, an exhibition of photographs and film by Ottawa-based artist Ramses Madina. The exhibition examines the decline of rural life, as seen by the disappearance of a symbolic structure of farming – the barn.

The focus of the exhibition is Madina’s short film Farmer’s Requiem, which was recently screened as part of the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival and studies the effect of time on the barn. It was created using long exposures captured in intervals along with calculated manual camera movements. This time-lapse technique manipulates the passage of time and its effects on the farming structures. Victor McGregor, an elderly farmer, provides the soundtrack to the film as he reflected on a life of farming shortly before his death.

The exhibition also features haunting photographs of collapsing barns, which pay tribute to a vanishing way of life, as we become increasingly disconnected from our food sources.


Check it out if you get the chance!

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