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Obama on O'Reilly Factor this Thursday !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kanada Kev

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There is NO WAY i'm going to miss this one:


Obama to Appear on Fox on Thursday Night

By Jeff Zeleny

CHICAGO — Before Senator John McCain delivers his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, Senator Barack Obama will make a marquee appearance of his own.

Call it counter-intuitive. He will appear on “The O’Reilly Factor†on Fox News Channel.

For Mr. Obama, it will be the first time in his presidential candidacy that he’s on Bill O’Reilly’s prime-time program. The appearance is intended to put Mr. Obama before a conservative audience, one week after drawing 40 million TV viewers at his own acceptance speech.

Mr. Obama has had a strained history with the network, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Is this a sign of burying the hatchet or simply politically smart programming? Stay tuned.

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