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A Note to Bill Clinton

Paul Slansky

Given that we would never have had the odious George W. Bush in the White House in the first place if it wasn't for your blow jobs, Bill, it seems obvious that you owe it to the people of this country, and especially to the parents whose kids died in the Iraq War that Gore would never have started, and to all the parents whose kids would be killed in the WarFest that would be a McCain/Palin -- sorry, Palin/McCain -- administration to do everything in your power to get Barack Obama elected.

But that's not what you're doing, Bill, and it's not going unnoticed. We see your rage, Bill, it's too huge to hide. We see that -- as Chris Rock so brilliantly pointed out -- it pains you to even speak Obama's name. We see you petulantly rooting against him even as you go through the motions of doing the barest minimum on his behalf to avoid being blamed if he loses.

You're not fooling anyone, Bill. You've gotten so caught up in yesterday that you've stopped thinking about tomorrow. You have the power to influence millions of voters and you're spitefully sitting on it. Surely you've noticed what's going on in the country. Surely you're aware of what's at stake on November 4th. This is not a game that you can afford to take your ball and go home with if you don't get to play the position you want. An Obama loss will most certainly be part of your legacy.

There's still time to fix it. How about this for an October surprise? Bill Clinton gets on the road and spends every day until the election sincerely and wholeheartedly communicating the urgency of electing Obama. You're the greatest politician of your generation, Bill. Surely you can fake enthusiasm for a month.

Oh, and stop talking about how much you like Senator McCain. Have you forgotten the vile joke he told a decade ago at your wife's and daughter's expense? Let me remind you: "Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? She's the child of Janet Reno and Hillary Clinton." Are you saying, Bill, that you can forgive McCain for calling Chelsea "ugly" but you can't forgive Obama for defeating Hillary?

If Obama loses a close election -- one in which even one state where you could have made a difference goes for McCain because you sat home and pouted -- it will be on you. We will remember that you couldn't be bothered to rise above your petty resentments for something as trivial as saving your country from the enemies of everything you profess to believe in. We forgave you for Monica, Bill, but we won't forgive you for this.


I thought he at least came off sincere last night on The Daily Show pimping Obama, even if somewhere inside him it pained him to do so. That's a hard transition -- from something that you've spent all of your energy (and health) on and to switch gears immediately. But he does seem to me (maybe I'm naive) to now be pushing for what he feels is best for both his country and his party. That is, Obama.

Given that we would never have had the odious George W. Bush in the White House in the first place if it wasn't for your blow jobs, Bill [...]

I don't believe this statement to be true. Arguably, Gore did win that election, and even if he hadn't, I don't think the vitriol of died-in-the-wool republicans re: a sexual indiscretion was the cause of it. The subsequent mishandling of it by Clinton ('depends on what is is' and teetering on perjury) certainly hurt perception of Clinton, but I think they need to work harder at making the case that this actually ran the Democratic party afoul in the more general sense than to just state it as fact and leave it at that.


I disagree with this article. I think Bill Clinton (especially on the daily show last night) has really put his sway behind Obama. I hope he continues to do so.

I also don't think his blowjobs made any difference in getting Bush elected. The Republicans literally rigged both elections and stole them.

Thievery pure and simple.

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