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Amazing Neil Young Blu-Ray Release


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Neil Young's 10-CD set of never released recordings has a new lease on life.
Long rumored and long delayed, Reprise will release the collection of recordings from 1963-1972 on Blu-ray in the fall.

Young, an audio fanatic who released his greatest hits on PCM 24/96 and recently assisted in an acoustic revamp of Red Rocks in Colorado, says “It is important for me that the user experience the high resolution music along with the archival visual material."

Through Blu-ray and Java technology, viewers will be able to navigate through Young's music, movies, videos, personal archives, memorabilia, photographs, letters, handwritten manuscripts and more while the high resolution 192/24 audio is playing. Announcement was made at the JavaOne conference in Northern California Tuesday.
"Previously, there was no way to browse archival material on a disc and listen to a song in high resolution at the same time" Young said in a statement. “Previous technology required unacceptable quality compromises. I am glad we waited and got it right.

"And here is something really new, we will be able to add content to already released Blu-ray Disc archive volumes by downloading it, whether it is music, film or vintage recording sessions, recently found photographs, or other archival materials that were located after the release of that volume. Users will be able to download any of these archival materials and they will automatically be assigned to their place in the chronology timeline.”

Java.com will be featuring the work with Neil Young and the archive project in a special Java + Neil Young segment. Java + Neil Young will include links to Young's appearance at JavaOne, as well as links to more information about the upcoming Blu-ray Disc package.

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