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Tonight at the Drake - Parkdale Food Bank Benefit - Free w/ a Can of Food

Jay Funk Dawg

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Do Right! & NuFunk Present

Thursday Dec 3, 2009


featuring Live performance by Jessica Stuart and guests

The Drake Underground, 1150 Queen Street West. 9pm start

free with non perishable food donation.

All proceeds + food donations go to the Parkdale Community Food Bank




About The Parkdale Food Bank


In 2007, The Parkdale Community Food Bank was on the verge of collapse as the King & Dufferin St. operation had been slowly loosing support from its funding sources. When the story hit the front page of The Toronto Star, it was Toronto's music community that first came to the rescue. Blue Rodeo, Big Rude Jake and The Gypsy Rebels were among the many Toronto groups that took part in organizing fundraising and food drives which helped keep the vital organization alive. What struck Robert Thorpe, Executive Director of the Parkdale Food Bank, the most was that many of musicians who performed at the benefit told him that the cause hit very close to home as they had once upon a time turned to the food bank for support.

With charitable donations down and the winter coming quickly, demand on the centres resources are anticipated to increase dramatically. There's already been a 25-30% increase in membership since last November and what makes the situation more alarming is that the donations they received from the Daily Food Bank (the umbrella organization that helps many of the food banks in Toronto) have been cut in half. Community based food drive initiatives the centre have undertaken have been modest and the center are looking to community partners for ideas and new initiatives.

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