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This website should change it's name


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...or just hand the joint over to me and I'll call it


....which goes to show that whatever it is it's certainly not your grandaddy's grandad's message board (my grandad never would have said anything like that)...

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I think you're confusing 'posts' with 'views', Grampa!

It is funny to study the post counts. 190 for me pointing out my free locally written and recorded music-the grandaddy of the jam band scene in Ottawa (I say that because I am technically a step grandfather-ha ha take that! Of course I did start the first local jam band back in the eighties but whatever)

300 posts for the massive human tragedy in Haiti while there is a screaming 1000 yes a freaking thousand posts over Conan and Leno!!!!!

I don't know what all of this means but it is funny.

Maybe we should call it theaftershow.com

Or tmzfortheslightlydisenfranchised.com

Or entertainmenttonightforthegangwhoistryingnottoadmitthey'rereallyjustyuppies.com

....or something.....

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It is funny to study the post counts. 190 for me pointing out my free locally written and recorded music-the grandaddy of the jam band scene in Ottawa (I say that because I am technically a step grandfather-ha ha take that! Of course I did start the first local jam band back in the eighties but whatever)

300 posts for the massive human tragedy in Haiti while there is a screaming 1000 yes a freaking thousand posts over Conan and Leno!!!!!

I don't know what all of this means but it is funny.

Maybe we should call it theaftershow.com

Or tmzfortheslightlydisenfranchised.com

Or entertainmenttonightforthegangwhoistryingnottoadmitthey'rereallyjustyuppies.com

....or something.....

Something to consider about thread view counts, this forum is viewable by anyone not just registered members, and not just by folks interested in music.

So a person searching out articles, blogs or forum discussions on topics about Haiti and/or Leno vs Conan could easily stumble across those specific threads here at this site, add to that indexing bots that search out key "hot topic" words could also add to the higher number of view counts. For example, there isn't many days I actually check the "online" viewers, but whenever I have, I pretty much always see at least one (at times, 20+) anonymous viewer/bot reading the "Niagara Falls Frozen Over - 1911" thread here, and it was created back in 2006.

200 views which your thread has had at the time I wrote this, seems to be around (even a bit above) average for most topics posted here around the same time.

Maybe the name should be: isntthisatinybubble.com

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Yes I'm glad to be able to have that many people possibly check out my site. I'm also happy that we have OHIP to have some assistance in getting that many people into the ER to have the forks they've jammed into their eardrums removed; in which case we should have hoped this was a tiny bubble because if they've stumbled upon this site from the USA they might have to live with the forks jammed into their ears until Obama passes some new health care deal.

...and beyond that why can't the Conan and Pants on the Ground crowd just leave us alone...is it too much to ask?

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