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Jerry Quote of the day


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Stole this from philzone.com... Jerry approves of "the Dead"

"I could see the whole thing in the sense of, "Well, if I work as hard as I can in my life, I may be able to end up building this thing that nobody can tear down after I'm dead," you know. And that may be the greatest function that it ever fulfills--that it can't be torn down after I'm dead. Or, I might be involved in this mysterious thing in which there is no individual me anymore, but there's this other thing that may be way more fun-- "

--Jerry Garcia 3/10/83

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That was an awesome quote...very well said and straight to the point. I think Jerry would roll over in his grave if he thought the "Grateful Dead" stopped playing just because he's gone. I think that each one of the band members were part of a union making sweet, sweet music and just because one is gone doesn't mean that the union needs to fall apart or pretend that their not what they used to be. Just because one family member is no longer with you, divorse, death, etc., doesn't make you any less of a family does it? Who cares what I tthink it's really what they feel that matters.

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