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Hoots and Hellmouth 15K Challenge

Northern Wish

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First off if you haven't heard this band or even better seen them live: Do It!


it's the 15K CHALLENGE!!

Update #1 posted 17 minutes ago

Ladies and gentlemen, we sincerely thank you for your support! It means so much to us. The money we've raised so far will get us in the studio for sure, but since we have a bit of time left in this campaign AND every extra dollar counts toward extra songs, printing options and publicity costs, we've decided to see if we can push things a little further.

So, we've come up with something we call "THE 15K CHALLENGE".

Here's how it works:

If we can get this Kickstarter fund up to $15K by the time the campaign ends on December 5, we will randomly select six people (everyone who contributes is eligible!). These six people will choose one song each - any song you like, folks - and we'll record it. The batch of cover songs will then be compiled and released as a limited edition EP distributed exclusively to contributors of our campaign.

This super exclusive bonus record will, of course, be above and beyond the established benefits of donating as detailed on our main Kickstarter page.

Sounds like fun, right?

SO! Now's the time to throw in a few bucks if you haven't already...or increase your contribution if you already have...or just spread the word to friends and family! Every little bit helps us make this next record everything we think it can be.

This Thanksgiving we here at Hoots & Hellmouth give thanks for our families, our bandmates and last but certainly not least, the fantastic community that has helped us become what we are. Let's keep growing!



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So far fans have raised over 10K towards the new recording with this original idea....

Well, we've got a giant batch of new songs but no record label to put them out, so we're gonna have to fund this next record ourselves from start to finish...which adds up. Cue Kickstarter! We're utilizing this fund-raising site to reach out to you, our people. Y'know, kinda like when the NPR radio station in your area breaks from its normal programming to beg for pledges of monetary support?

Well, maybe not that annoying, but you get the idea.

We've already got some studio time booked with Jim Roll (Frontier Ruckus, Breathe Owl Breathe, Chris Bathgate) up in Ann Arbor, MI, which we're super excited about. And, like we said, there's tons of new material that you're gonna dig (see The Window In The Woodshed for previews). However the financial burden of making a record goes well beyond studio rates...

Here's how we figure it'll break down:

$6000 - 6 songs, recorded, mixed and mastered for release as a CD EP. $7000 - 6 songs on CD/digital + Publicity/Press (It'll be hugely important to let the world know we have new stuff!)

$8000 - All above, plus limited edition vinyl (maybe even colored vinyl? Mmmmm!)

$9000, $10,000... $15,000 - ***More songs!*** yes, by the time we hit the 12-15K range, we're talking about a real live, full length, long playin' record.

Oh man, wouldn't it be great to see this EP become a full-blown LP?? (Yes.)

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