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Van Morrison concellation is costly


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LONDON (AP) -- An inn landlord who said his business almost collapsed after the singer Van Morrison cancelled an appearance was awarded $66,800 compensation by a court on Tuesday.

Gary Marlow had sued the 57-year-old star and his production company, Exile, for a total of $668,000 over the cancellation in August 2002 at The Crown Hotel in Everleigh, southern England.

Morrison and Exile denied any breach of contract and said the claim for compensation was unsubstantiated.

Marlow, 44, had claimed the return of the advance plus lost profits from the sale of tickets, alcohol, food and tobacco and a further sum for damage to his business' reputation.

He said monthly sales at the 17th-century inn had plunged from $41,750 to 7,000 pounds $18,370 and he was struggling to make a living.

But High Court judge Peter Cresswell ordered Exile to pay Marlow $66,800, including a $33,400 advance fee paid to Exile.

Nevertheless, Marlow claimed victory. "I would like to say that I am absolutely thrilled that we have taken on one of the kings of rock and we have won," he told reporters afterward.

"Unfortunately we didn't get what we should have had but nevertheless we have beaten him."

Morrison's counsel, Thomas Croxford, said his client canceled the concert at the beginning of July 2002 because Marlow had breached a crucial condition of the deal that restricted publicity.

He stressed that the judge's ruling had been against Exile and not Morrison personally.

There was no immediate comment from Morrison, who is in Ireland.


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