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nero's archivist....


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Hey anyone know who is neros archivist? my buddy sent him the masters from moedown off the board,, and is wondering if hes ever going to see them again,,,,,, i guess the archivist has long hair, goatee,,, primus.net addy,,, named kevin he thinks.

any help would be stellar,, my buddys gettin worried

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Eeeerm, I archive nero's stuff but Im not the droid you're looking for. I recongnize your name on the board and think we may have met in Hamilton. I also dont have your friends masters and most definately havent been in communication with anyone regarding any masters - ie no emails, no correspondence, no phone calls.

My email address is hendrick7029@rogers.com (not a primus.net so I have no clue who you might be talking about - anyone out there have a primus net email?). No one named Kevin is remotely doing anything for nero that i can think of. I think I could be wrong but Dave Lauzon (the guitarist) got our copies off of Karl through download and i got my copies off the webpage (ive only got the mp3 currently).

If anyone can help............

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I think I could be wrong but Dave Lauzon (the guitarist) got our copies off of Karl through download and i got my copies off the webpage (ive only got the mp3 currently).

arethese mp3s the sbds or the audience?

yeah man im pretty sure we did meet once in hamilton

not trying to cause a big stink just wanting the masters back,,, thats the onlycopy, and if it was anyone elses im sure theyd make an effort to get whats theirs back,, this is neros biggest yankee fan too, dude loves em.

if anyone can get ahold of this karl dude,, can you ask him if hes still got em? if it was him..

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Hey Tooly im on it, buddy did nero the favour of sending them up, ill bust my ass in finding them and getting them back - im gonna email Karl and see if hes got any info (im sure its just a misunderstanding when its all sorted out).

The mp3 are a real clear, great sounding recording, but theres plenty of audience - maybe a matrix was made?

Hey while we're on the subject anyone can download the show in question at www.neroland.com (under sounds) (probably my favorite nero show of the year)

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not too sure on teh matrix,, possibly though

yeah he just wants whats his back,, he loves nero and doesnt wanna lose the masters,,, its been ages since he sent em up too,, ill get himto get the addy of where he sent emtoo if it doesnt resolve itself soon

thanks marco.

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