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Grand Theft Bus On www.jambands.com


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Ridin' with the Bus


Andrew Livingstone

When asked about local music and what the Maritimes has to offer, it gives me two feelings. One feeling tells me that this person has been musically deprived and living in seclusion for the past 5 years. The second is they aren't from here originally and have no understanding of how big the scene here really is. So when it comes to giving them a response, it usually covers many of the local talent, quick descriptions of what to expect from groups like Fat Jebus, The Jimmy Swift Band and Slowcoaster. Then I give them the cherry on top of a musical ice cream sundae; Grand Theft Bus, the sweetest thing coming out of the Maritime scene.

full story on www.jambands.com

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Excellent! Thanks for posting that Show--Whore You just gotta love Jambands.com for all the positive Canadian content as of late.

I sent some kudos in an Email and hope that I'm not the only one who does that. The more they see that Canadians are visiting their site, that Canadians do actually have a scene and that there is some DAMN fine Canadian talent, the more publicity the Canadian scene will receive in the States. This may not seem that important to fans, but to the bands who need to support themselves, I'm sure it's appreciated.

Send your email to : dean@jambands.com

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