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Crowdfunded Campaign Against Sexism in Emoticons Picking Up Steam on Facebook

Davey Boy 2.0

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Washington - A movement against what campaigners are calling sexism in emoticons has raised $13, 402 by way of crowd sourcing. A spokesperson for the movement, Harriet Branthill, feels that emoticons are predominantly male and seem to favour stereotypical white expressions and emotions. “On the rare occasion that you see a female portrayed in an emoticon it stereotypes what the mainstream has drilled into us regarding gender roles in paternal-centric society. Evidence of this is shown by the majority of smileys which portray damaging behaviours and erode individualism. How often do you see smileys drinking beer, smashing one another over the head with weapons, looking insane or angry? and the smiley is always, in these cases, male which we’re hoping to gradually change, one website, one discussion board, one Facebook account at a time.”


Campaigners are meeting with officials at Facebook later next month to discuss their concerns.



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