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Kanye/Beck mashup, SNL40 performance

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

This is a pretty awesome mashup of Kanye's "Jesus Walks" and Beck's "Loser", done by DJ Windows 98 (aka Win Butler of Arcade Fire).





Anyone catch Kanye's performance on SNL40? Musically it was rather pedestrian, but as performance art it was dripping in pretension and minimal symbolism, yet quite attention drawing. I always enjoy simple black and white contrasting, so visually it was quite interesting. I was left with a bipolar opinion at the end of it, however I think I have to go with thumbs down because the song he did after "Jesus Walks" was just not that good IMHO, and the performance itself was staged for television, despite a who's who in the live audience who clearly could not see what was going on given the angles of the shoot.





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While that video is blocked for me at the moment, I tried watching it and was just confused.  I don't find Kanye entertaining at all and I don't identify him with live music.  There were so many other great musicians that could have performed in that slot. And Miley....ugh.   I'll always enjoy McCartney, and since Maybe I'm Amazed is a staple I've seen too many times to count, I kept imagining what his real hair looks like.  Could he be mostly bald underneath a wig?  I picture the episode of Cheers where Sammy confides with Carla and shows his real hair.  Paul Simon's "still crazy" was my favourite out of the performances.  The big time horns breakdown was stellar.

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Guest Low Roller

Not thinking of Kanye as 'live music' goes a long way to making him tolerable.

He's more performance art at this point, so approaching it from that perspective helps in the analysis. 

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