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Jon Fishman election update

Jay Funk Dawg

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I'm not sure of the whole history of Jon's politics lately, but I know he's been a "ardent" Bernie Sanders supporter having recent put on a fundraising event here in NYC   I did hear some rumblings that on Phish tour phans were critical of his positions.  He just posted this and I think it captures a lot the sentiment of how people are feeling about the upcoming US election.  Apparently people are saying "He's come around."


So, lastly, having read and posted Shylas piece along w/the RS interview of Jane Sanders, and then the Thom Hartmann piece on the Supreme Court, and having read and mulled over hundreds of different opinions about all the different events that have transpired throughout the election season thus far, and having been an ardent Bernie supporter not just since he announced running, but for almost his entire career, not because anyone should give a shit what I think, but because this is social media and I feel like writing this where people can see it because it tests my convictions....here's where I'm at:

I could have never considered it before knowing for sure whether Bernie would be on the ticket, any ticket, or not. Now that he's out I have to say publicly that when push comes to shove I'm going to put aside my disgust and vote for fucking Hillary Clinton. Here's why:

I've trusted Sanders for 30 years and for 30 years I've watched him exercise sound judgement and be on the right side of history the vast majority of the time. Way more than anyone else I've observed in politics in my life. There are a lot of people I respect saying we should vote for her, but I could care less what even they say. It's the fact that Bernie is endorsing her himself that makes a difference for me. I've trusted him this far. Why would I decide not to trust him now just because he's saying something I hate like hell to hear and have to consider? The fact is, as dirty as her hands are as a politician I truly do not believe Sanders would give her his endorsement if he didn't feel as a country we would be at least in safe hands with her as president. It's clear he believes we would definitely not be in safe hands with Trump, and for me that's a no brainer to agree with.

Hillary and the DNC are probably lying their asses off to Bernie about doing any of the things he's fought to get her to publicly state her support for. Whatever...she's a fucking professional liar, but the fact remains that if she does become president it'll be as the head of a party who's platform clearly has his permanent finger print on it which is not going to just go away. With Sanders remaining in office with a much louder voice on a national level now than ever before, and especially if we who supported Bernie do our job by keeping up pressure and momentum of the progressive agenda he just got on the map, Hillary will end up a one term president if her overtures and accolades turn out to be only lip service. I'd much rather have a president that Bernie and his supporters can continue to exert influence on throughout their tenure as president than not. From the momentum that's been started and the influence of Bernie on down ticket candidates over the next few years we may have a real chance to turn around the house and senate and get not just business as usual dems, but progressive dems and independents in there too. If that's happening Hillary has to adjust accordingly. With Trump or anyone else in there Bernie's, and by default, our hand in what happens is much weaker, and possibly negated altogether. It sucks he lost the presidential bid, but to lose his influence and the influence of all the support he generated for progressives too would be throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Of course, if she were to continue to go out of her way to give the progressive wing of the party the finger like she has been recently with her VP pick and hiring of Shulz on the heels of the DNC rigging against Sanders scandal that could translate into a Cruz presidency or something equally insane by 2020, but I'm still not willing to take Trump in the short term. 
I just can't do it. I can't imagine allowing a guy who picked Mike Pence as a running mate to choose Supreme Court justices. That would just be way too willful a dereliction of duty to my self conscience to ignore. I simply don't have the capacity for denial required to pretend I could suppress the level of self hatred that would eventually arise in me as a result of having actually supported that agenda. It could be grounds for suicide! So that ain't happening on my watch, especially when there's an alternative that Bernie can find it in himself to actively support.

It's got to be harder for him to endorse her than for anyone else, and like I said, I really believe him when he says he believes she's qualified. As qualified as him? Not by a long shot! But qualified enough for him to actually say so? I don't think he'd say it at all if he didn't think so. I trust that if he thought she'd be as bad for the country as Trump he'd say so, and that's not what he's saying. I know Trumps presence in the race adds urgency that he might not have otherwise, but I still don't think he'd endorse her strictly out of fear of Trump if she was equally to be feared?

But I do think the fear of Trump is serious and should not be taken lightly. That guys a fucking idiot! I mean, we are staring into the abyss when we're considering actually handing that guy the keys to the kingdom. We don't need our own version of Nero or Caligula! He's the beginning of a whole new level of incompetence and insanity. I mean, the thing that's so messed up is he was actually not the worst the GOP put up this year! He might have even been the best and he's already way scarier than W was. Trump is just as stupid as W, but way meaner spirited. Just add religion and you have Cruz! I just don't want to head any further in that direction. I don't want worse than W and I just do not believe Hillary is worse than W or that if she were, Bernie wouldn't say something.

Finally, though I'd rather vote my conscience than have to go the LEV ( lesser evil) route, and I truly don't believe anyone voting 3rd party is to blame for any potential Hillary loss, I'm also not going to kid myself and pretend that there's a viable third party right now that could win, or that the third parties available that I could vote for wouldn't be siphoning off more votes for Hillary than for Trump.

So, for me, realistically it's down to Hillary and Trump, which is a giant disappointment on the whole, but between the genuine horror show potential of Trump, and my trust in Sanders judgement, and the potential for Sanders influence to remain much higher with a Clinton presidency, I'm fucking taking the plunge and doing what I think is the most sensible option left.

I'm not "with" her, but I'll vote for her because it's the best chance we have to keep Bernie's influence as high as possible.

There. I fucking said it.



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