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Wanna Hear a Funny Story? (nero guelph)


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Well, what an incredible time I had last night! Chilling with all the nero guys, groove fetish, esau, paisly, dimafleck, tungsten, megrocker, daniel, stapes, kung, jay & alexis, Tonin and I know I'm forgetting a few, my memory is a little hazy.

So last night after the nero show I was getting a little tired and was thinking about going home back to Hamilton and skipping the afterparty. After Lara tried to convince me to come, Alexis came up to me after the show and said, 'you're coming to the party.' I made some half-ass excuse about being tired and said I couldn't make it. So what did Alexis do? She grabbed my GLASSES right off my face and said, 'if you can't see, you can't drive, so now you're coming.' Then after I rubbed my eyes and got used to the blindness, she was gone.

I got a ride with Tonin to Pete and Tasha's and decided to go to the party, as I now regained second wind and couldn't see. Alexis' dog was at Pete and Tasha's, so the plan was to meet her there. Many people showed up (and it sure was an incredible time), but Jay & Alexis were late, as they had to stop at Tungsten's first. Finally Alexis gets there, and proceeds to tell me she has NO recollection of our conversation our where my glasses are. At that point, my glasses were gone, people were laughing (I was laughing as well) and a trip to Lens Crafters in the morning was in the works. We called the bar, not there. We re-traced our steps...nothing.

Finally, Daniel, who is sitting beside Alexis asks, 'why don't you check your purse?' Low and behold, they are in the FRONT POCKET.

We all got a good laugh, I got my vision back and boy, is it a funny story now. If you were there, it was even more funny.

That's it. see you at AGP.


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