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Sisters Euclid tonight?


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Yeah!!! I drove up last night and loved every minute! They played two sets along with a 2 song encore (including a cover of Coldplay's big song..?). In 2nd set a great blues singer sat in and sang his heart out for a good 3-4 songs. I didn't catch his name but apparently they're putting out an album together. It was packed last night. The room holds 110 and there was a line-up most the night. I bought the album "Maybelle" which features Breit playing mandolin, mandola and mondocello and it is a beautiful album!!! =)

I also met taper Dave Drage last night - nice guy! PEIPunk, if you see this, Dave says hello. Dave tapes at the Orbit ROom every Monday and he's going to hook me up with some choice selections, which I will seed on this board.

I also learned of a Kevin Breit DVD which is now finished and will be able for purchase soon at the Original Spin Media website. Can't wait to see this! I actually found out about this the other night at the Warsawpack show in Hamilton.. It was towards the end of the night and I was beligerently drunk (briguy could maybe vouche) and somehow got talking to this girl and she brings up Kevin Breit of all people! And her boyfriend (Jay Cook) who was right there happened to be making a DVD on the dude. What are the chances?

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