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Once again, The Slip tells all...


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I'm copying something that Andrew, drummer for the Slip, posted on their web page regarding he and Brad's recent trip to Brazil. It belongs here because not only do his comments seem fitting in the midst of endless bashing, it's almost prophetic in putting musical comparison into perspective. And keep in mind there are poeple on there who are convinced that The Slip is turning into a folk band:

Greetings to all! After unpacking my suitcase from Brazil, tuning up my new instruments and taking a well needed nap, I checked in on this board to see what what going on in the minds of our listeners. I must say that I am intrigued and pleased that there are so many opinions and ideas regarding our music, the directions we have taken, and the future of The Slip. One thing that I love about the Brasilians is how seriously they take their music. Not just how much they enjoy it or know every type of Samba beat, but how invested they are in the musical output of their culture. I've been reading the autobiography of Caetano Velosa, the great Brazilian singer/songwriter and co-founder of tropicalia. He outlines, with tremendous clarity, the growth and development of Brazilian music, and the painstaking care that the musicians take to move the music in a direction that benefits and energizes the community as a whole. There are often fights about which Capoeira rhythm is the original, or why the third repenique player is soloing when he should be supporting. We are musicians here, but as a community, we all can have an opinion about what is important and what needs to be be expressed for our spirits and our general community to further evolve. Some of what I have read is simply uninformed judgement, but most of what I see is really insightful, healthy communication regarding what is usefull to you as people who understand the importance of artistic creativity forshadowing the world you want to live in. I'm glad that we have this forum to hear eachother and to talk about music's purpose in our lives, and the lives that we hope to see unfold. Some think that The Slip is becoming too much this or too much that; that our music now is getting more poppy, as compared to what I ask? From The Gecko with songs like Honey Melon and Eube? It's funny to me. We have always been catching different types of songfish when we cast our reels, and will continue to play what we love, and what we see as vital and...fun. I assure you that we have in mind only to experience the most truth that we can in this life, and to be able to express our findings through the magic of well played music and creative and exciting social gathering. I'm glad to have you all as a community to share this with. I'm also really excited to be on the road again, to be recording, practicing, and sharing in the bounty of lifes many experiences.

later. -Androo

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Nice, thanks ahess that was a good read. For the record, having worked with native Brazilians I agree that they have a very different and arguably much closer relationship with music and art then the average too-busy North American. One of the things I like about being on this board, and about a community like this one is that people are actually passionate about the music they love, and don't just treat it as background noise.


Mr. M.

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