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Posts posted by SevenSeasJim

  1. Afghan killed for teaching girls

    [color:red]Friday, December 16, 2005 Posted: 1349 GMT (2149 HKT) [color:red]Date highlighted for MarcO

    KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) -- Suspected Taliban guerrillas dragged a teacher from a classroom of teenagers in southern Afghanistan and killed him at the school gate after he ignored their orders to stop teaching girls, police said on Friday.

    The attack was carried out by two armed men who arrived at the secondary school in the Nad Ali district of Helmand province by motorcycle on Thursday, Helmand police chief Abdul Rahman Sabir told Reuters.

    "They dragged the teacher from the classroom and shot him at the school gate," he said.

    "He had received many warning letters from the Taliban to stop teaching, but he continued to to do so happily and honestly -- he liked to teach boys and girls," Sabir said.

    He identified the teacher by the single name, Laghmani.

    The fundamentalist Taliban banned education of girls during their rule before being overthrown by U.S.-led forces in 2001.

    The guerrillas have carried out a series of attacks in the provinces on schools teaching girls since them, often burning them down at night.

    Copyright 2005 Reuters.

  2. Ford faces backlash over gay ads

    Friday, December 16, 2005 Posted: 1508 GMT (2308 HKT)

    DETROIT, Michigan (AP) -- The conservative American Family Association says it will consider reinstating a boycott against Ford Motor Co. because the automaker plans to continue running advertisements in gay publications.

    Ford said last week it planned to stop advertising its Jaguar and Land Rover luxury brands in gay publications to reduce its marketing costs.

    But after gay rights groups complained and held meetings with the automaker, Ford reversed course and said Wednesday it would continue to advertise all of its eight brands in gay publications.

    There was a Jaguar ad Thursday afternoon on the Web site of The Advocate, a biweekly gay magazine.

    "We had an agreement with Ford, worked out in good faith. Unfortunately, some Ford Motor Co. officials made the decision to violate the good faith agreement," AFA Chairman Don Wildmon said in a news release Thursday. "We are now considering our response to the violation and expect to reach a decision very soon."

    The AFA originally called for a boycott against Ford last spring but suspended the boycott for six months at the request of a group of Ford dealers.

    "All we wanted was for Ford to refrain from choosing sides in the cultural war, and supporting groups which promote same-sex marriage is not remaining neutral," Wildmon said.

    Ford spokeswoman Kathleen Vokes said the company had no comment.

    On Wednesday, Ford said it was not ordering its luxury brands to resume their ads but plans to advertise all of its brands in gay publications.

    "It is my hope that this will remove any ambiguity about Ford's desire to advertise to all important audiences and put this particular issue to rest," Joe Laymon, Ford's group vice president for corporate human resources, said in a statement.

    Ford shares rose 1 cent Thursday to close at $8.17 on the New York Stock Exchange.

    Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

  3. Did you know the US is the ONLY civilised nation that executes.

    I don't agree with capital punishment, there is almost always(for me) a chance for reasonable doubt(exept with DNA testing). Biased investigations, mistaken witnesses, tampered evidence, scapegoats for "the man", etc. It is scary to find out when people are exonorated after spending many years on death row.

    Not to mention I don't think it is anybody's right to take away a human life, regardless of the crime.

    Another questions is where to draw the line? Is it acceptable for a country (Singapore) to execute a 20 year old man for drug trafficking, I don't think so... But when you allow such punishments, it becomes a slippery slope to tread on. Crime and punishment is in the eye of the beholder.

    How presumptuous and arrogant of humans to think we have a right to judge and put people to death.

    What's the defintion of "Civilized Nation"?

  4. I'm not sure if this has been posted here yet, but what the hell.

    Last Updated Tue, 13 Dec 2005 15:29:38 EST

    CBC Arts

    Pink Floyd singer/guitarist David Gilmour will begin his first solo tour in decades on March 10 in Dortmund, Germany, and will begin touring North America in April.

    Gilmour is touring in support of his upcoming solo album, On an Island, his first solo release since 1984’s About Face.

    No North American dates have been confirmed, but Gilmour will appear in Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, Rome and London this spring.

    Gilmour, known for his atmospheric guitar work with Pink Floyd, has pulled together some rock greats for his solo effort.

    The title track of On an Island combines Gilmour’s vocals with those of David Crosby and Graham Nash. Sets feature appearances by Pink Floyd keyboardist Rick Wright, Soft Machine drummer Robert Wyatt and keyboardist Jools Holland.

    Roxy Music's Phil Manzanera plays one set and is co-producer along with Gilmour and Chris Thomas.

    On an Island is to be released March 6.

    Gilmour has also been frontman for the newly reconstituted Pink Floyd.

    Pink Floyd's Pulse DVD, which chronicles Pink Floyd's final tour in 1994, is scheduled to be out at the end of January.

  5. *sigh*

    you've got to be kidding me. what about the countless numbers of rural kids who are forced to drop out to help their families with farm work, etc.? what happens to them?

    Do you need a licence to drive a tractor?? :wink:

  6. [color:red]Kennedy says the penalty will come into effect once schools establish a wider choice of courses and add more co-op and apprenticeship programs to keep at-risk students in school.

    Like this? A good start perhaps.

  7. Ontario to deny licences to dropouts

    Last Updated Tue, 13 Dec 2005 14:28:02 EST

    CBC News

    Ontario high school students who drop out won't be allowed to get their driver's licences under a law to be introduced Tuesday.

    The legislation is designed to keep students in school until they're 18 so they can graduate. Roughly 45,000 Ontario high school students, or 30 per cent, leave each year before graduating.

    (courtesy Ontario Ministry of Transportation)

    The province hopes to cut that number in half by 2010.

    Education Minister Gerard Kennedy said students applying for their licences would have to show a document to the Ministry of Transportation that proves they're an active student.

    Kennedy says the penalty will come into effect once schools establish a wider choice of courses and add more co-op and apprenticeship programs to keep at-risk students in school.

    Details of how the program would work, including how long they would be prevented from getting their licences, have yet to be announced.

    This isn't the first time such a strategy has been used. There are nine U.S. states that require high school attendance to receive a driver's licence and 10 that suspend licences for truancy and academic problems.

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