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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Sounds like a great show and a great time Al. I can't believe how many good gigs are going on in Sep-Dec!!! I need more $$$$$$$$ "Party at Your Mama's House" 5/8/06 just came on nugs.net radio ... nice timing
  2. I'm prob hitting a pint or three with a work buddy (maybe at Casey's on Front) but am ready to move over to another venue if other folks are getting together. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  3. :laugh: I don't think that I have any Phish shirts anymore. I think I'll wear a Jerry Garcia shirt instead :grin:
  4. I knew there was a reason that I picked out my Gov't Mule tshirt to wear today!!! It was a sign!
  5. Very true! Digitally deleted coke that was clearly visible during Young's performance of Helpless on orginal copies . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reo9csMOiiI
  6. ! A W E S O M E ! thanks for the update
  7. sweet! I'm off at 5pm and will be more than ready to get a barley sandwich down me gullet. Just gotta make sure the wife will make sure the kids are looked after . Preshow venues should fill up fast ... where are you thinking of going? Later . . . Kanada Kev =8) She's everybody's sister She's symbolic of our failure She's the one in fifty million Who can help us to be free Because she died on T.V. And I grieve for my sister
  8. What a nut! What's scary is the fact the the current president, Rabinovich, gets to temp take over the chair of the board that directly effects his own position. Conflict of interest? Bev Oda has been sitting on data that directly shows the mismanagement of the CBC and misappropriation of funds. The Conservatives put the Heritage Committee on hold and stopped the investigation as soon as they took power. This is irresponsible of the gov't to do. Oda should be fired and Harper ... well, i won't say. The Conservatives won't elimate the CBC. There should be changes though. My worry, is that this gov't is not looking out for the best interests of the public in making the changes. Sad state really. I work here at the Mother Corpse ... it's so "over managed" it's ridiculous. Management spends so much cash on travel, meetings, toys, etc. yet short-changes the staff and continually makes cuts. You keep cutting the bottom of the tree, it eventually falls over. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  9. So, I know a bunch of people are going. Where is everyone meeting for preshow festivities?? Looking forward to seeing you all on the DSOtM Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  10. !! I'M IN !! Just scored second row Platinums ($99) for tonights show. Get online NOW and get in .... (They've got Sec 109 right beside the stage too ... for $150) Fuc*in' A ... i'm goin' to the show ... woohoo Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  11. LOL ... thanks for thinking of me Baj Hopfully, one way or another, I'll see you at the show. Watch out for the pigs on the wing.
  12. Sh*t!! My connection didn't come through Might for some upcoming ACC shows though! Baj, you get that dude to offer you just one more little, tiny weenie, ticket for the show? If he did, you know where you can find me :D Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  13. Have a great time at the show Al. It's been wayyy too long since i've seen Panic Later . . . Kanada kev =8)
  14. I know people here were talking about his shows recently. Just saw an update on Pollstar for him. I can't remember if it was posted here (search function isn't working for me). Fri 10/27/06 Kid Koala Mod Club Toronto,ON
  15. Damn ... I so want to go to this show as I've missed Waters every time he's come through Toronto since the K.A.O.S. tour. It's like a jinx. Never missed Floyd though I'm working an outside angle with a brother-in-law who may be able to set me up. Fingers Crossed. I was engrossed in "Amused to Death" last night. Love that album ... lyrics are hauntingly poingnant to today's world still . . . if nothing changes, nothing changes. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  16. Thanks for the scary stuff. Truly amazing how so much of this doesn't hit the MSM. FRUSTRATING!
  17. Check out this 4-year-old kid groove! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE_PFpWPQ5Y And this 7-year-old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8cvKImVadE&NR Just trying to picture my 4 year old playing like that! WOW. Later . . . Kanada Kev =8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9W-QxD_w44
  18. Hey, anyone else goin'? Dave Wakeling will be skanking at Lee's tonight along with Pauline Black (the Selecter) and Roddy Radiation & Lynval Golding of the Specials!!! I've gone to a couple of these gigs in the past and they are a TON of fun. Get yer dancin' shoes on Later . . . Kanada Kev =8)
  19. Willy, seriously, Kookie and and I will definitely refund your $ if you are not happy with the show. Kookie, Funkybeats and I have discussed this and truly feel any fan of highly technical and beautifully composed rock (like some of the "jambands" can do) should not miss this stuff. Genesis is NOT all about Phil Collins era pop stuff. I was always reminded of Genesis' early stuff when listening to a lot of Phish and even some moe. Come on out and have some fun with us. I help to organize a really big pre-show gathering for Toronto TMB shows. There will be at least 50 people there and we'll have the tunes blasting, a patio for smoking and the Montreal v Toronto game on the TVs. It'll be at the Library Pub. I'll be posting details closer to the date. I've got a great DVD that can show you the unbelievable attantion to detail that this group goes to. Contact me and I'll help you out. Cheers, Kanada Kev =8)
  20. Yes, true. Hamilton will prob be a lot cheaper than the Massey ticket I just want Foxtrot ... NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW
  21. Damn! Great news. Now, only if they would make this a Foxtrot show so we could get one of each!! There is room to add a second show for Foxtrot .... puhleezee
  22. Wha? Couldn't hear you ... what did you say? Speak up! Dang. Maybe I should look into one of these:
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