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balogna pogna

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Posts posted by balogna pogna

  1. I've got the complete 5 season (120 episode) run of the Muppet show burned to DVD. Lots of music and silliness and cool guests. Schwa and I must've watched dozens of them by now.

    I've also got Happy Feet with the singing Penguins but I lent it to Zane.

    Let me know if you want to try some out on him to see what he thinks.

  2. I hope they don't play Moby Dick.

    I just hope they don't feel the need to write a lacklustre new album (ie the Rolling Stones) to go out on tour. Just tour on your past merits and take our money!

    I've felt for years that they should let Bonham Jr drum with them for a little authenticity.

  3. I don't think Phish makes you gay, but I can understand how hard it is growing up in the southern states as a gay teenager with all the religious right and 200 year old value systems.

    That's why so many southern gays jump on Widespread tour...because they have finally found a place where they fit in.

  4. Wow!

    So many of my favorite folks, music and goodtimes crammed into too short a time. Maybe next time the reunion shows should be spread out over a week (or a long weekend).

    Thanks to Ottawa for your hospitality and kindness and looking forward to the next one.

    And thanks to nero and the video and audio tapers....I can't wait to watch when that is available.

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