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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. I think voting Green Party, albeit with good intentions, is one of the most irresponsible things you could do with your vote. Just gives the Conservatives a better chance.

    And a 2 party system sucks why? I'm goin Green this year too, stick to your guns Tooly.

  2. "last time I ended up being the only one up at Alexis' enjoyed the 93/94 New Years show ridiculously"

    whatever, i put you to bed that night. the show was awesome though, i put it on didn't i?

    just because you fall asleep and wake up at 10am and everyone else is sleeping doesn't mean you were the last one awake ;) Someone should eat your burrito for that (lol) i owe ya.

    4-4-94 is in my collection. love the first set a bunch!

    Thanks though cully, decided to put this on the work 'puter for boring-ass days like today.

  3. My faves so far, down to the wire!


    "what a cute little doggie"

    -if you found this turkey at Izzy's you'd win.


    Bush: What do you think Turkey?

    Turkey: This thread belongs in a political forum

    -self explanitory


    May God Bless America, and this rooster.

    -bush would actually say this i think


    Bush: Well, lookee here! We got us a turkey! How ya doin there, little fella? How's everything down in turkey land? Neh heh heh heh.

    Turkey: Gobble.

    Bush: Whoa, slow down there, Chet! We didn't bring the turkey interpreter! Neh heh heh heh. [to aide] Have this one stuffed and sent to Cheney. He loves dead stuff.

    -you might have won with the laugh alone



    -cuz i hate the slip

    Still waiting for solargarlic and weezy to show their faces, thems funny guys

  4. Sari's is by far the funniest so far, but you had to be there (see backbacon's quote)

    Not really fair to the rest of the contestants as it is a personal joke (and funny as fuk) so honourable mentions go out to FairySari and she will be recieving a special prize to be rendered at Keller Williams next week.

    **this has to be the funniest caption this i've read in quite some time. Funny shite people!

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