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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. I knocked half of each of my top front two teeth out way back in high school and had the pleasure of getting two root canals in one day. The dentist used a local (needle) on both and honestly the worst part was having to keep my mouth open for 3 hours. After that, there was no real pain but after about 2 or 3 days there was this immense pressure type feeling in the whole front of my face and that felt like something was trying to escape from inside my nose. Not pleasant.

    Whose got my pharmies?

  2. BURN!!!


    and here's the million dollar question:

    just where do you get the sh!t needed to fertilize your first crop of butts so they continue to produce sh!t to fertilize subsequent crops?

    Have you read the board lately? I harvest the schit from this message board like any old farmer. Farming butts on this message board is just like in real life and we all do it. Sometimes there is a drought and the crops suffer, the farmers just sit in their house making sensless chitchat and being bored out of their minds, BUT, all of a sudden there is a shitstorm and then all of the butts start coming out of the woodwork.

    If i quit again, I'm coming back as Mr. Metaphore.

  3. time i have ever witnessed this type of action.

    If you want to have a PUBLIC forum, you must deal with public discussion. For once, Mangler is making sense and HE gets deleted. Of course, asking why a post is deleted is redundant, but hey, what isn't.

    I've been around for the Cheesehead drubbing, the Jared attacks and the outright railroading of kung/zero and all, in a VERY VERY big way were more obscene than anything that has been posted in about a year (maybe more) The only explanation for this, and i'm no rocket scientist, is that one or both of the parties asked for the post to be deleted. That's none of our business but for Christs sake, don't lock the post so everyone can read and continue to ask questions for the rest of the day.

    I'm quitting the board.

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