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Posts posted by Schwa.

  1. I had a blast, sweet way to kick off a self-imposed 4 day weekend.

    I couldn't agree more on the playing, Ryan and Mark were on fire and it was funny to watch john the whole time smiling his face off and watching Mark jam.

    Elmo, not sure if you read this board but thanks for the hospitality after the show brotha :)

    Done With Fun SoOn tour 2005 is still goin' strong! NICE ONE BROTHA, NICE ONE!

  2. i can fill in the blanks on this one.

    this particular shot of tequila was being passed around at about 10am and everyone in the room was passing, but esau13 saves the day so we had a drum roll and everything, Marge, you were the designated egg'r on'r shouting in his ear until he chugged'r back. Long story short, that shot closed your eyes for ya Greggy.

  3. awww shit you're right. oh well, ann arbor is close to Karinannie's place so we can go back there i'm sure (eh Karin? :) )

    Eff Windsor anyway. Every bar there has goons for bouncers. With the very high volume of Americans coming over on a Weekendly basis who can't handle their liquor, bars stock up on meathead security that would NOT tolerate much of the stuff that goes on at your typical jam show (ie: having fun) because they have it in their heads that all drunks are violent. Having gone to school there for University it took me all of 3 months to completely write off every bar in town aside from one that my friend owned (and lost)

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