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Ms Zimmy

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Posts posted by Ms Zimmy

  1. I agree, but we westerners are messed up about physical and sexual boundaries.

    What these pictures are suggesting is sad, whether there is a problem there or not. They may have a healthier father/daughter relationship then most of us.

    But then, it may not even be his daughter!

  2. I don't have this type of relationship with my dad either, but I had friends who walked around the house almost naked around their families when I was in high school. You can be physical without being sexual.

    Anyways, I think that tabloids like this, insinuating incest is sick. Anyone who is parent, I think, would agree.

  3. MIGA on Bank isn't bad...and they give you free sides (when you ask for them). They are Korean so you can get good Kimchee.

    I was out at Sushi Kan 2 weeks ago, all you can eat sushi for about $22...wasn't impressed, but I don't eat fish anymore so I wouldn't be the best judge, it was all about quantity and not quality

  4. 346. Songs about the province/state where you were born by musicians also born in that same province/state.. (the musician can be part of a band, but mention the musician's name and place of birth. It could be just mentioned in the song, doesn't have to be part of the title..)

    1. Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys - Blue Moon of Kentucky (Kentucky)

    2. Rheos - Christopher - Ontario











  5. I wouldn't say that all bibles are fiction...there probably was a guy named Jesus who was a prophet, a carpenter and was crucified, but he probably didn't turn water into wine.

    Same with the Quran, a Message from Allah to humanity through the prophet Muhammad...Muhammad probably existed.

    We've just twisted the stories in order to be supreme rulers and have a reason to fight.

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