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Ms Zimmy

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Posts posted by Ms Zimmy

  1. Mole is a sauce. I've only had the one similar to chocolate....but it isn't sweet at all.

    If you ask for mole in PV, you will get the kind similar to chocolate.

  2. You don't have to be a raw food foodie to appreciate a food dehydrator- must have for backyard gardeners!

    Agreed. I couldn't imagine not having one (I have two) now. Mine has been indispensable when preparing for my camping trips' date=' especially for the month+ long canoe trips into the interiors we used to do. Not having some fruit, veggies and meat to enjoy after 3 weeks would have driven me crazy. Those "meals in a bag" just don't cut it all the time.


    This is why I want one. For tripping :) I think that I will invest in one this winter. I'm really excited for this.

  3. Whenever one of my students describes something as "retarded" I quickly say, "My brother is retarded," (he isn't), to which they always say "really?!?!" and I always say, "yes" and then we move on.

    It never comes up again.

    It occurs to me that I actually look forward to these oppourtunities to 'minister'.

    That made my morning.

  4. cookies!

    reduced balsamic vinegar


    or make a pie shell out of graham crumbs or oreo crumbs.

    take vanilla ice cream, let it warm a little, add some whipped cream and peanut butter...mix it up, pour into pie shell, crush up peanuts on top and freeze again


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