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Dr. J

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Posts posted by Dr. J

  1. Thanks Ollie. Funny thing is I used to see tons of forums. Now I see very few and even fewer that are active...this one being the exception of course...maybe, as bouche suggests, I should simply take over the Slip forum :content:

  2. d_rawk: to date I've done nothing. When I do, I'll have to pay someone to do it since my knowledge of websites and computer programs borders on the non-existent. I was trying to get a sense of what might be the best way to ask them to set it up.

  3. This fall I'm going to launch a website to promote a book I've written regarding a company called Canada Cycle & Motor which became known as CCM. While the purpose of the site will be to promote the book, I also want to provide folks with the opportunity to share personal stories and photos connected to vintage CCM bicycles and sports equipment etc. My question is, to do this, should I set up a forum as part of the site or simply provide a link to a separate blog or to a Facebook page? Advantages? Disadvantages? Any thoughts?

  4. Great to hook up with folks again Friday night. Was pleasantly surprised with Silver Creek an Ottawa outfit (Booche I think this is a band you'd enjoy). Three vocalists they had a bit of a Band feel at times and Black Crowes at others. I understand they are opening for Further at Bluesfest and recommend that folks check them out.

    On Saturday I took my tired and aging body to Peterborough for the Spades at the Red Dog. It was the band's homecoming following a cross-Canada tour that saw them in over 30 cities as well as a ditch outside Edmonton and without steering in the mountains of B.C. You could tell, after almost three months on the road, the band was glad to be home and the crowd was glad to have them there. That fact evoked one of the best show I've seen the band deliver in a while.

    Once again enjoyed the opener - Bend Sinister - a Vancouver band with prog-rock leanings but a full measure of Golden Dogs' exuberance thrown into the mix. Again check them out if you get a chance.

    Upcoming the Spades will be with George Thorogood as part of the Montreal Jazz Festival (June 4 & 5) and with Matt Good for Canada Day in Oshawa and Kee to Bala the following day.

  5. Actually here's something I do know. The band is currently travelling with a singer/songwriter named Ben Rough. Ben recently recorded a CD at the Spades' studio in Peterborough. They may or may not have backed him on it (something I don't know). Anyways he has a couple of tracks posted. I invite you to have a listen. I quite like Ben's take on things. Catch him if you can. He will be with the band at Call the Office in London next Tuesday (20th), the Corktown Tavern in Hamilton next Wednesday (21st) and the Merchant Ale House in Kingston on Saturday (24th).

  6. So very, very sorry to hear this. Although I had only spoken to Jesse a few times online, we were convinced that our paths had crossed in the early days of the Spades at the MoHo. He always struck me as a very sincere and straight-up guy. The kind that will be dearly missed....a fact clearly evident in this thread. My deepest condolences to you and your family, Eric.

  7. Todd, congrats to you and Hart on some well-deserved recognition. It really is quite amazing that two of the top ten entries would come from the forum... but it is, I believe, indicative of the tremendous amount of talent that lies within this community.

    All the best in your future writing endeavours.

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