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Posts posted by zero

  1. I am so in for all 3. I haven't been back to Halifax since, well I left, which must be 2001 or something. The last thing I did their actually was promote (and take a massive financial bath on) Garth Hudson's appearance at the Halifax Pop Explosion. Seems like a nice symmetry to the whole thing. Can't imagine how much the cities changed but I'd imagine Harry The Bootlegger, the fags on Citadel Hill, Point Pleasant Park and Crystal Crescent Beach haven't changed much (nor Chocolate Lake).

  2. It's four brothers actually. The two brothers (Ian and Jimmy) are Felice's proper, then two half brothers (same mama I think) - their surname is Turbeville I want to say - the one guy who I was convinced was a 'Felice' was actually just 'Farley' the fiddle player.

    I think you guys got confused - or confused me about the passing of I believe older brother Simon's daughter Simone. Simon I gather has moved onto his own group...

    Wait you all should just read about this on my 'blog'.

    Great dudes though- second time in Canada - first was the opener at ACC where they clearly rolled into the backstage in their ramshackle Winnebago, having traded in the Shortbus. They're really 'living the high life (having a good time)'.

  3. The Cat Empire was far and away one of my (unexpected) and definitely the Ottawa audience's favourite performances of the entire festival. Different bands engaged different audiences of different makeups at various stages but something about The Cat Empire just hooked and reeled the entire big fish of the audience right into their boat, dinghy or raft as it were. We were literally eating out of the palms of their hands and vice versa.

    I've got a massive photoessay of that particular set that is a sort of cinema verite type thing completely in sequence from the beginning notes of the set to the end - I'm just toying with the best combo of song, edit, effects and trying to get it up on youtube by days end.

    Highly highly recommend checking out this band.

  4. I got so excited about this show after a leisurely stroll through Little Italy to Soundscapes to buy my Ween ticket and a couple of beautiful smoked meat sandwiches at (Zane) Caplansky's - that I raced home to change, roll 5 j's on the fly, rip down to the Horseshoe despite everything from subway signs, transfers, my blackberry, ipod, bus transfer kept saying Monday July 26. My birthday was two days ago, Tues. tonight right?

    I just turned right around and was like fuck it I'm going to the 'rippers. Where later on that night our own Daniel Bradshaw turned up celebrating his own birthday which commenced at midnight and carries on until who knows when.

  5. Yeah the plot pivots around I want to say 4 element benders and the Avatar (an Avatar as opposed to an alias for talking trash is a term for a descended deity or demi-god like Prince or Baba Meher - who was Pete Townshend's guru, only spoke through pupils for the last part of his life and also coined the phrase 'don't worry be happy'). The most formidable of the other benders is his female counterpart and their relationship is central to the whole show. I'd say it's a pretty feminine friendly show, very much so.

  6. Back to the original point. The Last Airbender is one of the best TV cartoons ever, it's scripting and basis in Buddhist, Animist and Taoist lore with a bunch of other stuff worked in (Hungry Ghosts) is really on point. Especially if you've practised internal or external martial arts it's a incredibly well scripted and plotted work. Very adult but likely accessible to children in a way they won't get for years. It really is that good. The plot advances in formidable ways from episode to episode and the interpersonal dynamics of the principals is superlative.

  7. I know Santana and Perazzo from the band but that's about it. Who else do people know in the current touring portion of his band. I really need the bassist and especially the drummers name.

    Really everyone onstage barring Lou Diamond Phillips.

    I didn't write my review a month ago. I didn't know La Bamba was going to be in town.

  8. Okay let's put it this way guys. I worked 16 hr. days as a sous-chef, drop-in kitchen chef, volunteer, got elected to the Board of Directors, oversaw my younger brothers wedding to an Arabic woman during the G20 then headed to Ottawa for my 'vacation'.

    Also if you're someone like myself who can yes fend for himself, but for whom personal safety (not physical safety) is imperative, but has gone through the physical traumas I have trust me having the rug (or you pulling the rug out from underneath yourself depending on whose stance you take) is highly problematic.

    It's all in the prep - I wrote most of my reviews about a month ago. Now I pretty much just put my feet up and enjoy the music.

    Todd- you are the Poison - I am the Cure. They accredit guys like Todd to write 700 words at 11:00 the night of the festival but I'll spend a few hundred hours unpaid on all of this (and yes Monkey it is PRICELESS material but I was given NO ACCESS it's because I already have ACCESS because I'm who I am and deeply invested in the culture of Canadian musicians).

    Attending that incredibly well programmed but - seriously THE WORST RUN FESTIVAL IN CANADA PERIOD. I can prove this 18 ways to Sunday. Glad you enjoyed your swishy swishy laminate and hospitality Todd. Us in the audience, being subjected to repeated and multiple useless shakedowns by $12 an hour ground and pounders (thinly veiled homoeroticism) is called A) a breach of charter rights and freedoms and well basically.... Wait for the stories.

    I thought this thread went totally dead. Glad to know I have some friends out there and not just FRANDS.

  9. Hey I`m really thinking about just packing her in and heading back to TO. It`s not like concerts that end at 11:00 every night is the hard part it`s all the running around and not just exhaustive but seriously exhausting journalism I try to do. Basically I thought I had things worked out but now I`m checking out of the hotel at 3:00 and would like to stay but really just need a calm, safe place to stay.

    I`ve got about 1300 pics from the fest on my Blackberry that are photo essays to and from the concert faces, t-shirts, hats in the crowd - really great visuals. I`ve got about 9 bands full setlists in hand including The Cat Empire`s stage copy with striked out numbers (that was a brilliant show). I`d like to really be able to gauge the festival`s finest performances. Of course.

    if they ask you how i'm holding up say i'm holding out for the words ...

    Sarah Harmer

  10. This has literally a been a year of elaborate planning, while many weddings are of course elaborately planned- you'll have to trust me on this one.

    The wedding itself was at the Hunt Club and the United Minister handled well the cultural union of a Scottish Anglican family and a Jordanian Muslim family, his sermon spoke about how coincidentally when planning the wedding they could have had no idea of the G20 but that what the world needs now is more Muslim Christian weddings.

    A scottish piper lead the wedding party in reflecting my mother's families heritage, and then as a total surprise an Arabic drum troupe appeared out of nowhere in full regalia and serendaded the wedding party with various percussion and a vocalist singing Arabic love songs in call and refrain through a megaphone while the Arabs sang back in call and response and the whities were blown away.

    Then a killer wedding band really got the crowd going, I worked up (secretly between afternoon photos) Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - The Platters (which was my grandparents Harold and Fran Cathcart's favourite song and played at my parents wedding) in secret little breaks between the afternoon photos.

    Just a beautiful beautiful night of music and culture, family and love.

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