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Posts posted by U.FProductions

  1. Responding to the heavy handed tactics of the Hamilton Wentworth Police, who harassed a 76 year-old women who was responsibly using marijuana peacefully at the Up In Smoke Café, and may have ruined a 25 year old McMaster students life, the Hamilton Compassion Society and Up In Smoke Cafe announces a protest and community forum in Hamilton.

    The protest will be organized out front of the John Sopinka Courthouse all day on November 4th. The community forum and dialogue to take place in the studious confines of the Hamilton Central Library's Hamilton Room, Saturday Nov. 20 from 9am ­ 5pm to discuss a peace offering between marijuana prohibitionists and marijuana enthusiasts.

    With close to 1000 people in our "database", we are going to have the biggest and loudest protest this city has ever seen. Chris Goodwin will also protest in front of the Up In Smoke Cafe and Hamilton Compassion Society all this week handing out Jean Coopers story as well as No Your Rights Literature.

    Please everyone help us hand out literature and write letters daily. We need to change these laws. Each new day we get closer than we were the last. To save Jean Cooper and those like her, this fight needs to be faught!

    The public is also invited to attend what will truly be an enlightening discussion on the subject that everyone in the Steel city is gossiping about. Hamilton Compassion Society's Chris Goodwin will present a panel of intelligent enlightened enthusiastic grass guests, and fully intends to invite those who oppose the fall of prohibition to present their view. The HCS director is receiving direct support from Matthew Mernagh, Niagara Compassion Society director, noted writer and longstanding Toronto Compassion Club member. A community forum in St. Catharines was overwhelmingly received and observed by the Niagara Region Police morality unit.

    Pot peace is needed to end Hamilton's terrible War on Drugs that sees an elderly women relaxing in the confines of an adult establishment going to the hospital, not from ingesting her medicine, but from fear. Hamilton has been overgrown, not by Dawn of the Dead lumbering Potheads, but intelligent, civic minded individuals, like Chris Goodwin who demand peace.

    Demand Pot Peace In Canada!

    Peace, Goodster's Wife

    Up In Smoke Cafe and Hamilton Compassion Society

    227 King Street East, Hamilton ON, L8N 1B6



    FIRST ARREST (76 year old lady)


    Hamilton Compassion Society


    Monday, August 30, 2004

    Hamilton, Ontario, 4:00 - 4:25pm,



    76 year old Jean Cooper, a member of the Hamilton Compassion Society and a diabetic with a section 56 exemption was arrested today within the confines of Hamilton's first cannabis cafe, Up In Smoke. Police entered the cafe shortly before 4:00 pm and witnessed Ms. Cooper hauling on a single joint that she had just lit up. One of the officers, upon noticing Ms. Cooper taking her medicine, said: "Do you want to put that out before I get stoned too?"

    Two Hamilton Police Service officers and one R.C.M.P. officer arrested Ms. Cooper and charged her with possession of a narcotic after she declined to extinguish the cannabis cigarette. Ms. Cooper, as well as many Compassion Club Members pleaded with the police to not arrest her, as she's just a frail, little old lady who uses marijuana for medical reasons. The police didn't seem to care: they arrested her anyway.

    Ms. Cooper said: "I feel like I have lost all of my dignity. May the Lord all mighty help me regain it. Ohh Lord, I fell like I'm going to die."

    Shortly afterward, while the police continued to interrogate/harrass her, Ms. Cooper collapsed in her cafe chair. Meanwhile Farid Kayhan, cafe employee, kept video taping the entire situation even though the one Hamilton officer insisted that he stop filming when the ambulance got there.

    Still conscious, with her head resting in her arms on the table, she then asked cafe staff to call her son, Donald Cooper, who is ironically a Health Canada Employee. He works in the Medical Marijuana Access Regulation program (MMAR) in Victoria B.C, and helped her to obtain her section 56 exemption.

    Ryan Clark junior partner of the cafe, stayed with Ms. Cooper, reassuring her throughout the entire ordeal. Paramedics arrived within a few miutes of being called and attended to Ms. Cooper, and took her away by ambulance to be checked out by the Hamilton General Hospital. It is unknown at this time whether or not the police attended to Ms. Cooper again while she was in the hospital. Shortly after Ms. Cooper was taken away, the three police officers came back into the cafe to speak with the cafe owners, Chris Goodwin and Ryan Clark.

    "First of all, you guys aren't in trouble" Hamilton Police service officer Kevin Murphy said. "Secondly, you can't allow people to smoke dope in here."

    "By dope, you mean marijuana, don't you?", Ryan Clark enquired. "Yes" said oficer Murphy. "But this is a compassion society" Ryan responded.

    "It doesn't matter" the officer fired back. "What about her Section 56 exemption?", Andrew Haines enquired. (Andrew, the owner of 420 Graphics had arrived at the cafe to deliver posters, in the middle of the bust.) "We don't know that she actually has one of those." the officer replied. "That's all we have to say to you folks at this time." the officer said, just before the three of them, as quickly as they arrived, departed.

    Within seconds, everyone in the cafe is on the phone to the media. Ryan Clark, his friends Andrew Soifert and Andrew Haines drove the video camera to the local television station, CHCH TV Hamilton, and Ryan did an interview with news anchor, Karen Cumming. It appeared on the news at 6:00pm and will air again at 11:00 pm. The Hamilton Spectator also did an interview with Chris Goodwin which will appear in the August 31st edition

    More info will be posted on this site as it comes available.

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to Ms. Cooper with the hope that she will recover from this horrific ordeal.

    Peace! Zedo


    Again, the police entered the Up In Smoke Cafe.

    I guess they had a point to make...at first they said that they were coming into the store in order to speak with the owner. Upon entering there was a couple sitting at a table. The gentleman finished filling his pipe and from what I could see did not have anything on the table, nor did he start smoking from his pipe. The officers proceeded to approach the couple.

    I must mention that the officers that entered the cafe today are the same officers that were in the store yesterday and arrested Jean Cooper. Of the three officers that entered the cafe, two were Hamilton Police - P.C. Geoff Burbidge #855 Station 10 - Central and P.C. Kevin Murphy #590 Station 10 - Central - 'A' Squad, and the third officer was an RCMP officer.

    One of the Hamilton police officers - P.C. Kevin Murphy #590 Station 10 - Central - 'A' Squad - sat at the table while the other Hamilton police officer walked around the table and stood near the entrance/exit. The RCMP officer stood in the same spot near the entrance/exit to the opposite side of the Hamilton police officer. The officers continued to intimidate the customers, P.C. Kevin Murphy began citing a citation to the one customer. Apparently, Murphy gave a summons to our customer to appear in court November 04, 2004. Same court date for Jean Cooper. We have planned on setting up a protest at the court house - Main St. E. November 4, 2004 in support of our customers.

    One point I should make is that no matter what happens with the police while they are in here, once they leave and new customers have entered, the new customers wait until the officers have left the establishment in order to blaze. With more than 600 people in our "database", we are going to have the biggest and loudest protest this city has ever seen... Again, the protest will take place November 4, 2004 in front of the court house located on Main St. W. Time to follow. Please everyone write letters daily. We need to change these laws...each new day we get closer than we were the last, this fight needs to be faught!


    Goodster's Wife

  2. KC pretty much took the words out of my mouth.

    Thanks for all your help over the years Shain you always the honest,positive unjaded guy just trying to help.

    where's my heady contact list for clubs in the UK. I could think of a few band we could send over there. they would sh!t there pants at the site of JSB in UK.

    Have a great time.

    The best part about you leaving people will stop thanking me for writing stories for them. Do you have any idea how many people I've had to explain to that "i'm Shane buy not shain."

    peace from the east Shane.

  3. its not up to "the scene" to support a show

    I've always focused on promoting shows to people out side of the market.

    the upcoming slip tour. most of are promo effort will go into the indie scene and jazz scene these are the people that have never heard/scene the slip. these are the people that will make you money. you can count on the slip fans already showing up.

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