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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. hehehe I've had the "ir" regardless conversation one of my favourite memories of Ottawa might I add in any case after some investigation several of us found it is not standard english but is accepted or something like that anyway point....this is what the final statement of this site we found:

    "Irregardless - non standard - regardless"

    as you can see below I find it rather funny that conversation ended up with finding this particular statement.

    (I believe the whole thing was prompted by me being a "dick" as you might say by saying irregardless in a sentence)

  2. fine! get out out of KW! We didn't wantcha anyway!

    wait you play drums? wanna jam?

    I do...or at least I did this past summer with mooose late night jams over bluesfest

    so mooose looks like I'll be around in Jan - can't wait to see you again!!! I'll practice until then :)

  3. Livingstoned taking that maniac header while trying to jump the 2x4's and barrels (i laughed for about an hour after that)

    I'm hurting just laughing reading this - I can't really walk, sit or stand without severe pain in my knee and tailbone!

    all things considered though it was an excellent night - thank you to Keri, Taylor, DD and everyone else involved EXCEPT of course those of you who suggested I try to jump the 2x4 on the barrels :) kidding I have only myself to blame for my "maniac header"

    there was also an incident of being swung around in the barn by keri where I believe I took flight and we both hit the ground at a high speed - thank you for breaking that fall Keri!!

    and the ping pong - too fun.

    good times indeed....

    and nice pics Birdy - thanks for humouring me each time I tried to intercept your shot and would strike a pose :) :) :)

  4. I would guess they are playing as part of the celebration.....

    "Line ups at almost all participating venues offered a strong indication that Nuit Blanche had surpassed even the most conservative audience estimates. Streets were clogged with people experiencing everything from: a fog sculpture; to night-time swimming; to a corn roast in Yorkville; to ballroom dancing; to large-scale projections of sheep on the Planetarium Roof. There was art in car washes, art on outdoor billboards, art on street corners and art in parks.

    Toronto's response to the first annual Nuit Blanche was beyond anything we had anticipated, said Jaye Robinson, Director of Toronto Special Events. Preliminary attendance figures estimated at 425,000 indicate that the event significantly surpassed the projected audience of 250,000."

  5. Well after missing a couple of baseball games last week due to honeymoon, I really can't miss another, and with a late-night game attending this show right now is not looking good for me either unfortunately...

    But one can always pray for rain, and if the games called, I think I'll be there!

    it just started to rain in Kitchener!! hope it moves your way.

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