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Everything posted by livingstoned

  1. ...April and Bryson have a vehicle and he gets biodiesl as often as he can...will let you know where he goes. Although I'm sure someone will pipe up here.
  2. heard about this and the book on the radio this morning - turned my stomach - however did giggle when they said something like - people should go to book stores with marker and scratch out the "IF" ...and yes sick fuck either way!
  3. Sorry if this has been mentioned already but I just read Joel Plaskett is playing Saturday Nov 25th at Nathan Phillips Square for the Cavalcade of Lights....free http://www.toronto.ca/special_events/cavalcade_lights/firstlighting.htm
  4. Regardless of what is being said it's a good article Shain. I don't think that those so quick to jump down your throat actually read the article.... unfortunate but whatever - do you deserve it no, should it bother you - no. And you answered your own question - here in your above post you felt it deserved coverage...
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