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Everything posted by livingstoned

  1. their website says late show doors at 10pm ? http://www.jackfruitmusic.com/mainframe.htm
  2. could you say - a scientific art?
  3. I'm a little short on cash these days I think I'll stand down at dundas square this weekend with a sign that says. HUGS $1.00
  4. I hear ya slippery - haven't heard that particular diddy yet but our "forced" music in my office here is soft rock, easy listening or really bad 80's and 90's crap...(its a feed from our store upstairs through our phones) -retail music boo..if I hear milli vanilli one more time I swear... - we were all just complaining....then my creative asked me a question - and my automatic response without even trying to be witty was "sorry Roy can you speak up - my ears are bleeding" hehehehe....so yeah - boo. I miss the old manager that used to play classic rock upstairs.....
  5. You called? I'm into sitting and slouching mostly. Sometimes I record music and spend hours figuring out how to upload it to archive.org. Other times I obsess about the tags on my MP3s and work to clean them up. get a job you bum - why don't you think about using those techy talents and maybe even start up your own company or something like that - be you're own boss - you'd solve the slouching problem you mentioned - get up off your ass you'll feel good about yourself!
  6. in addition dancingbear did post a month or so ago for a final plea for those who didn't send last years gift to get on it before this years is initiated....so I would give it a few days and then see. I still didn't receive my gift but that's ok because a) I never got around to giving mine out until May so I figure it's karma and I moved in September so who knows my secret santa may be as much of a procrastinator as I am and sent it to my old address after I moved. ah well whatcha gonna do.
  7. hahaha!! I know exactly where your coming from. Are you a leaderboard memeber? If you shop there or just love it there you should sign up - lots of perks, discounts, contests, demo events, exclusive events not open to public...etc. (Free to sign up just have to put up with the emails) we'll if there's a gift exchange this year and I get you I'll know what to send you!
  8. can you start doing my laundry then?
  9. I usually find that mysteriously I'm zonked all week and when Friday evening rolls around I'm wide awake...suddenly sleep is not calling me as I'm leaving work. Weird isn't it??
  10. largemarge we went to smokestack in Hamilton a while back - that was at the Casbah...
  11. Golf Town you ever been (we have one in Ottawa - or Kanata I think it's considered)
  12. while everyone's job serves some purpose or another - some people jobs are more beneficial to the world as a whole and they strive to make it a better place....so far Mamapink wins!!!
  13. advertising for a golf retail company ....manage/develop tv commercials, print ads, store signage and events I even get to do photography for our ads...but mostly I fool around on the internet all day!
  14. cool - try to make it around the world in 80 days will you sure I'll see you around before your departure but we'll miss your bouncing mop round these parts for sure.
  15. he does indeed - unfortunately I missed him at the kool haus! caught him opening up for Blue Rodeo in the summer and had no idea he was the opener - it was quite a nice surprise.
  16. Thinking about it. I'm supposed to be going out with my dad for some dinner and comedy before hand... I was not planning on having a late night' date=' but I would like to see these guys. I'll keep you posted. More enticing if I know some friendly familiar faces will be there![/quote'] it's a friends b-day, myself, Margaret and a few others will be there - hopefully we'll see you!!!
  18. jeepers creepers... I wonder what her idea of 'danger' is?
  19. HOLY CRAP hehehehe Twisted Sister Massey Hall, Toronto, ON Tue, Dec 5, 2006 08:00 PM "A Twisted Christmas" ahahahahahah!!! So if I caught G&R (I mean Axl) tonight - and Twisted Sister (because I already caught Motley Crue) my youth would be almost completely relived....
  20. afro poppa - you moving to the other side of the world or are you just travelling for a bit?
  21. they are playing on Friday in Hamilton - Friday being the weekend and all...
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