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Posts posted by livingstoned

  1. I went to see Romi Mayes at a small bar here in Oakville last night. Her back up band was The Weber Brothers. They were amazing (Romi was pretty good as well).

    Crap - that would have been a great show to catch!

    Just checked Romi's site and looks like I won't have the opportunity. :(

    Caught both Romi and the Weber Brothers here in KW at the Boathouse - separate occasions - though both were great.

    Romi was here as a duet quite some time ago, she was pretty good and I did have the opportunity to have her album in my possession for a breif period. (it wasn't mine - just got to listen to it for a while)

    Ended up at the Weber Brothers another night more recently and was blown away....had never heard of them and didn't know until after the Ronnie Hawkins connection, which was quite interesting for me personally. They are a pretty talented bunch.

    (these are two examples of great music I basically happened upon here in Kitchener/Waterloo and is the main reason why I love this town and the boathouse)

    Anyway long story short I agree check them out if you haven't heard them.

  2. Hm, ok well I need some job vibes.

    But...the way my luck has been going over the last little while I'll need quite a bit of vibes.

    Perhaps I should make an appointment to come in and talk to a Personal Vibes Representative to discuss taking out a vibe loan or line of credit-vibes or something.

    I just don't believe a few vibes from the vibe bank will cut it...

  3. 040_mgnovenie.jpg


    Hal, do you think I should post our videos we made in Ottawa - run, jump, spin-in-air football catches. (which I just found again)

    One nero weekend Hal, myself and a few others thought it'd be a great idea to try some football catches using a water bottle as the football and the hotel bed as our surface to crash down on. They were awesome I might add - imagine us running full speed, jumping, spinning in the air, catching the ball/water bottle on the flip-side in mid air and crashing onto the bed - awesome -that is until the bed broke. Opps! :) Then we decided to just continue our low-key pre-drinking routine instead of "amazing sports catches" (or in our case crazy idiot drunk sports bloopers)

    In any case, I think they'd fit right in with these "moment of impact" shots.

  4. I think he's trying to say that you can't crown the king and queen at midnight unless it's to a different band (thought that was pretty obvious ;) )

    Sorry Schwa., the joke went way over your head. Ricky and Marge might get it though. In the future I'll try to keep my jokes restricted to ones that you'll get...can't make any promises though. ;)

  5. large...did you get my pm. we don't start until 1 15ish am.

    So does this mean you're participating neugroove?

    I'm sure Marge would have a nice dress you could wear.

    OR...I also know where you can get white disco pants, and a wicked disco shirt - lemme know! Seems like proper Prom attire to me. Pretty sure it'll fit too.

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