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Posts posted by RayRay

  1. to be honest, I get more worried hearing about a "half ounce bag of painkillers", if they're Oxycotin... presciptions are rarely an improvement over the fairly organic original drug thats being emulated

    Oxycontin = Refined Heroin

    Just as bad, just as addictive.

  2. All the best to you on your journey. As someone who also had to walk away from the booze (almost nine years now) I want to reassure you that it can be done. At first it sucks, and you do have to really control your environment. Even the first few times I went out after quitting it felt like I wasn't getting the punch line of a joke or something, just really akward. But after a while you become more comfortable with yourself and the allure of getting all hammered starts to fade. Plus no one ever misses the hangovers, blackouts, hospitalizations, etc. Good luck and PM me if you need a friend.

  3. I think that it's great that Phil is bringing awareness to so many issues that are close to my heart. This time of year in particular it is so important to get out and donate blood, with just one donation you can help up to three patients in need. And the free cookies are really good.

  4. From the Smart Growth Network's listserve:

    *Host an Inconvenient Truth House Party*


    > Al Gore's new movie, An Inconvenient Truth, was released on DVD last week, and more than a million copies were sold in the first five days.

    > Because we think everyone should see this movie, we've joined with several organizations including CodePink, Moveon.org and Sierra Club to

    > organize An Inconvenient Truth house parties. Thousands of house parties will take place around the world on Saturday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m.

    > EST/4 p.m. PST. After you view the film, dial-in for a live conference call with Al Gore!

    If you'd like to host a house party on *Saturday, Dec. 16,* or find a party that's already planned in your community, click below:



    This could be the largest national house party event ever organized, and we want you to be a part of it!

    > On Tuesday's Oprah Winfrey Show, Al Gore called for thousands of house parties all across the planet to discuss global warming. With your help,

    we can have a dramatic impact on our leaders by showing them how serious this problem is.

    > Join a house party near you, or host your own!



    > Elise Houghton

    > Communications Chair

    > Environmental Education Ontario (EEON)

    > "Greening the Way Ontario Learns"

    > www.eeon.org info@eeon.org

    > __________________________________________


    Does this mean that you will be hosting a party on Saturday night Edger???

  5. Just when I was begining to think that you were on the straight and narrow.............

    Come on you know me better than that? You and I this year went to Vermont to see Trey' date=' Mike and the Duo play with Phil Lesh and Friends with less than 5 hours notice by the seat of our pants.

    Off the top of my head I have no idea how many gigs I have been to this year, it would take me a day to figure that out.



    I'm just saying that it has been a few months since you called me up from a concert to make arrangements to drive 9 hours the next morning to another concert, all on a whim. I thought maybe you were cured.

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