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Posts posted by RayRay

  1. There is a chance that your immune system will compensate over time and you could become desensitized to this particular pet and definately talk to an allergist/respirologist about allergy shots. By the way it's not a good idea to be taking antihistamines everyday, it suppresses the immune system. Good Luck with the puppy, it's a good thing that you're doing.

  2. Dudes,

    I totally didn't even notice that there was another Sunshine out there, I've always just spelt it with a Y. As for the same avatar, that's just really weird and creepy, it makes me think that the original sunshine and I have a lot in common. I will change things to avoid any further confusion. I still can't get over the fact that I picked the same things as someone else, it's very twilight zonish.

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