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Everything posted by timouse

  1. wicked, you are now "clever!!" now this gets fun
  2. okay ladies and gentlemen, i am happy to report that hal and katlady are indeed going to adopt our surplus cat. that moves corey's cat in to pole position as the Jambands Cat of The Week. bump now and bump often, with pictures if you can get them. and three cheers for hal and katlady!
  3. q: "Is there anything that Focus on the Family should do more of?" a: " yes. focus on YOUR OWN DAMN FAMILY!" thanks dave. this made me feel very good.
  4. kitkat, um, no but he is very cool, and i'd really like to see him adopted. deb, i don't think we can make it this weekend, but if you guys are serious, we may be able to work something out. katlady? any word from halbert?
  5. I'd be guessing 'Dead covers. yup.
  6. yay! passing through guelph a few weeks ago, i caught my first glimpse of the Sprawl Mart...it looks for all the world like a castle sitting up on the hill overlooking guelph. boo-urns! let's hope that the progressive folk elected yesterday do their thing.
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