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Posts posted by kookycanooky

  1. http://www.archive.org/audio/etree-details-db.php?id=21404

    nero's final east coast run, Thrusday nov 11th - 14th, stopping in P.E.I, NB, Halifax NS, and Moncton NB.

    This recording was taken on saturday night in halifax. A wicked show indeed, including a full length echoes cover as well. It was a non stop dance party. Thanks to Dave Rahmer and Eric Mac Innis for taking the time to tape and transfer these excellent tunes.


  2. Exactly kooky! I used to consider the Bus one of the best CanJam bands out there... Then there was that whole period of time where they were saying "We're not a jamband!".

    Its Adam by the way, should have posted that.

    You know, its funny that you mention this because I never new that they disliked and were trying to move away from the genre of "jam band"...and it just clicked in my head that its probably why they don't do seamless sets anymore....its LOTS of Jamming.....AHHHH but thats why i loved them so much. the first time I ever saw the bus play was in toronto at the 360 club 2003/01/24 and it was a seamless show with JSB, who i'd never seen before either. I still listen to this show like crazy. I dont think they've done seamless sets since...

    You have to admit that jamming keeps things fresh...Yes you can repeat songs frequently but aside from the beginning and end, the middle is always fresh...except for JSB who play the same songs at EVERY shoe i've seen....thats a different rant for a different day...

    2 bands that i've seen as much as the bus that come to mind are BNB and nero...some more who i haven't seen so many times like Steve kimock and the dead...bottom line, every show is fresh.

    But hey, this is enough bus slandering for now, its their band, let them decide where it should go.

  3. some of the new bus tunes don't make sense...

    'photograph' is played live SO often and its a really terrible song to play live...rather, in comparison to their other up-beat songs, it really messes up the flow of the shows.

    Not that i'm fully against all the new songs, I think that their set lists have been way to similar this past year. they need to resurect older songs...methuo, ignition, first foot forward, climb, pillowcase, confrontation, airborne, Boltnek...i rarely hear these gems at all, yet it feels liks i hear Mannequin and photograph every single show...

    anyway. peace

  4. this HAS To be a joke. I've heard about this in the past but never did I think for a second that it would be an exact rip off of the brit series. Isn't this illegal? It should be. I hope this show doesn't see the light of day...Steve Carell is fine on the daily show but is an insult to Mr. David Brent. this episode is THE EXACT same as the brit series! what a waste of time! somone has done this already! there is zero creativity in this US version of the show.

    What a great first post!!


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