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Posts posted by Dr_Evil_Mouse

  1. Luthiers, cabinetmakers, carpenters, or animal renderers.... I have an old mandolin whose neck started to shear off after an unfortunate night in the cold last year. I finally got the nerve (and coin) together to take it into a shop here in Ottawa, but the guy just looked at it, shrugged, and declared it cheaper just to buy a new one than to ask him to wrestle with it.

    So, could anyone recommend a glue that I could try myself to use? I met a guy this summer who does ukulele workshops (i.e., building them), and he was all over a particular animal-fat-based type, but damned if I can remember what it was. Any advice would be much appreciated.

  2. The food I eat has nothing whatsoever to do with any damage I've ever done to my body :P . But with the rarest exceptions, I haven't touched meat in over 20 years, and there's no harm there that I've ever been able to detect. We just don't need to do it.

    And the evolutionary thing? Again, I can't buy it. I think of all the violence over the past thousands and thousands of years that male humans have done to females to spread their genes (or, from their perspective, to get off), which modernity has helped them outgrow (ok, this is open to debate). Just because it's been that way before doesn't justify any continuing violence whatsoever.

  3. Awesome :) .

    I'm still trying to get my head around all the effort being mounted to justify doing harm to other animals when there's no real need to. Maybe it's the Kantian in me, but if there's any sense that the science can't quite add up (which I doubt, fwiw), then there is something to be said there for the quality of intention.

  4. Hey, they did it! :)

    Chain-Smoking Indonesian Boy Kicks Habit

    (AP) JAKARTA, Indonesia - Indonesia's smoking toddler has kicked the habit. Footage of 2-year-old Aldi Rizal -- who smoked up to two packs a day -- puffing away circulated the Internet in May and sparked an international outcry. His parents said he'd throw tantrums every time they tried to stop him from lighting up.

    Psychologist Seto Mulyadi, who took the child into his own home as part of rehabilitation efforts, said Friday the boy has stopped asking for cigarettes.

    He said Aldi picked up the habit because virtually every man in his fishing village in South Sumatra province smokes.

    When removed from that environment, and offered a wide range of activities, including playing and drawing, he no longer had the urge, the psychologist said.

    Aldi's father gave him his first cigarette when he was just 18-months-old, relatives have said.

  5. The average Iranian has as little to do with all this BS as the average ____an; I'm not sure where that whole point leads.

    After having learned about the caprice - thank God - of how the Cuban missile crisis played out (the right guy failed to push the button he'd been told to push), that's where I'd put my money: the one individual in the cluster who resisted the pressure to do what he/she was told. I'd like to think that those people are evenly distributed throughout the world, and experience has so far proven kind.

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