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Posts posted by Dr_Evil_Mouse

  1. Julia was among the first people I met out of this whole crew, back in the Gypsy Co-op days, and I remember how her vibrancy and love of life made such a deep impression from the start. There's no imagining this kind of loss, nor how you've been able to hold up. The love of your friends is there for you; draw deep from that well.

  2. The benefits thing would be bound to be really, really complex, along with lots of other legal issues, but isn't life already pretty complex to begin with?

    I find it funny that church and state never really had anything to do with marriage until early modernity, when they jumped in and claimed authority over it (which church has finally been getting elbowed out of). Polyamory works for some people, and there's no legal red tape around that - though I imagine the people that want the legal recognition or sanctification for it, in terms of polygamy, have their reasons.

    Islam (and some kinds of African Christianity) makes an interesting test case. The stated rule there is that a man can only take on more than one wife is he is able and sworn to protect them all equally (and yes, this only works in one direction). No doubt this is very rarely the case. A secular legal apparatus around that might stand a better chance of ensuring that kind of protection.

  3. I'm confused by that. Please explain.

    But in the meantime - this is what freaks me out today:

    BBC's Panorama claims Islamic schools teach anti-semitism and homophobia

    [i'll gloss over the fact that Arabs are also Semites.]

    Haroon Siddique

    The Guardian, Monday 22 November 2010

    BBC's Panorama claims Islamic schools teach antisemitism and homophobia

    Thousands of British schoolchildren are being taught Saudi national curriculum, according to programme

    Children in Islamic schools are being taught antisemitic and homophobic views from textbooks, the BBC's Panorama will claim tonight.

    A textbook used in some weekend schools reportedly asks children to list the "reprehensible" qualities of Jews, according to the programme.

    It claims to have found 5,000 Muslim schoolchildren being taught that some Jews are transformed into pigs and apes and that the penalty for gay sex is execution. Some textbooks are said to teach the correct way to chop off the hands and feet of thieves. A spokesman for the programme said the pupils, aged six to 18, attend a network of more than 40 weekend schools across the country which teach the Saudi national curriculum to Muslim children.

    One book for children as young as six is said to ask them what happens to someone who dies who is not a believer in Islam – the correct answer is "hellfire".

    Investigators claim to have also found a text for pupils aged 15 which reads: "For thieves their hands will be cut off for a first offence, and their foot for a subsequent offence."

    British Schools Muslim Rules, which will be aired tonight on BBC One at 8.30pm, says other texts for the pupils are said to claim that Zionists want to establish world domination for Jews, a spokesman said.

    Michael Gove, the education secretary, told Panorama: "Saudi Arabia is a sovereign country. I have no desire or wish to intervene in the decisions that the Saudi government makes in its own education system. But I'm clear that we cannot have antisemitic material of any kind being used in English schools."

    At present, part-time weekend schools are not inspected by Ofsted but Gove said the educations standards watchdog would be reporting shortly on how to ensure part-time provision is better registered and inspected in the future.

    In a written response to the findings, the Saudi ambassador to the UK said the teachings were not endorsed by the Saudi embassy.

  4. I was really glad to see this had been done. The chapter in Sacks' book is brilliant. At one point they nearly lost him because he'd found his way into a New Age movement that treated him like some kind of super-enlightened being, because his inability to create new memories left him in a totally blissed-out state - all the while his tumour was growing and slowly killing him. I can't wait to catch the movie.

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