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Posts posted by Baj

  1. Big ginormous Congrats !!! Love that you met at the same fest as us, heres to the magic of the ledges...woot...

    Thanks for such a great party, really enjoyed it

    Heres to many more to come :D

  2. .

    but but it's better they're there than not.

    is it?

    so many lives have been lost and hurt to draw imaginary lines on this earth.

    it gets me angry just thinking about how much money the U.S. has put into increased security at the u.s./canada border since 9/11....helicopters' date=' more people, more guns.

    as my bumper sticker says..."it will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber".


    nice :)

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