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Posts posted by Baj

  1. Really wanted to make this...sounded like it was awsome!

    We have a new puppy, that has kept us pretty tied to home, so we just couldnt go that far from Burlington and make it back in enough time to let the little girl out...

    Glad it was such a great time, looking forward to hearing the sbd recording...

  2. I never had the privilege to meet Marcel but sure wish I had! RIP Marcel.

    Last night was such a great idea! Thankyou to everyone that made it happen!

    Got there too late as always, but heard Harvard Mouse sounded great..bummed I missed it...

    The Fatties were definately in fine fine form, drummer and all :)

    Had a great time with the intimate crowd that was there, I always love meeting the people I converse with on here on a daily basis, face to face, so much better!

    Dr. Evil Mouse and Calamity Jane(HUGE thanks for the pitcher, got one coming your way one day soon ;) )




    So good to meet you all, looking forward to the next time around!

    And last but not least, always great talking to Matty, Mark Tonin, Edger, Hal Johnson, Lionlocks..whoever else im forgeting... just a great all around night !!!




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