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Posts posted by Baj

  1. im giving my opinions as a FAN someone that forks out the money that you make as a BAND that is preforming for the FANS...sure I'll get envolved to help the scene just to help the scene...but I think your forgeting that you leave the weekend with a wad of cash in your pocket and I leave the fest yes usually satisfied but with empty pockets...all I am asking for is some variety for what I am paying for.

    That being said, I want to be clear that when I say variety it does not mean excluding DD/Caution Jam/Fat Cats since these are my fav staples of this fest and are the key bands that make me still want to go every may..since I love you guys to death!!! I just loved last may at izzys when there was that little bit more that made it very exciting!!!

    peace out everyone and all the best... I know y'all will have a fucking blast as usual...the tight family vibe IS the best part forsure!!!

  2. I apologize if my post bummed you out or anyone else for that matter...definately was not my intent! Don't get wrong here...I love the size of ctmf since I really enjoy a small festival aswell, all I was trying to say is there have been amazing line-ups in the past with the likes of the Slip/JFJO/SmokeStack(i think thats what their name is?) /Wassabi playin all night long... and the festival was still small and family like... I would just like to see the fest get back on that wave length.. just two cents...

    You all know your gonna have fun...and should not get bummed out over some constructive critisisim...


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