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Posts posted by Baj

  1. very good imho...the only reason I am aware of it is because they always order big sandwich platters and pizza from there for meetings here at work. They have amazing hot and cold sandwiches...the hot meatball is my fav(huge homemade meatballs) today i also got the zucchini

    pizza(first time trying it...AWESOME)...but they have fresh veal/chicken parm/lasanga/salads...I love it...but might not be for you?

  2. Jerrys Legacy will Live on Forever in the Hearts of all people around the Globe weather they know it or not.

    how true!

    I was just at a fortinoes that I goto alot for lunch since its right beside my work...as I was sitting at a table eating...out of nowhere I here a faint "touch of grey" come on ...it was awesome...I have never even noticed music in there before???


  3. i wish i was out there with ya buddy...i love whistler and highly recommend going...the drive there is insanely nice! StoneMnt from the board lives there.

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