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Posts posted by Baj

  1. My opinion is that 1997/1998 was the high water mark. I went on both summer tours and many show in between. The jams are amazing, the funk vibrant and fresh. When I listen to those shows the band seems so full of life. Not to mention the new material from "Story of the Ghost" was killer at that time andn they had just come back from Europe. 1997 was also the year the first glow stick war happened at Loring Air Force Base for the Great Went, I remeber that liek it was yesterday.

    fter that things were still awsome but something seemed to change a bit, things began to get a bit stale here and there.

    I hope one day to feel that excitement again. Here's hoping tonights Trey, Mike & the Duo show lights a fire.

    I could not agree more...that was my first phish show and festival...it opened my eyes and changed my life forever! I did not miss a phish fest after that :)

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