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Posts posted by Baj

  1. after hearing so much hype about this guy and that trey had him as a guest...I was really excited to check him out at moe.

    At first he was great...but lost my attention

    after a few songs...I think it was because his songs all kinda had the same sound, it was either that or that fact I was havin way too good a time partying it up on the hill with my friends1 :P

    my 2 centees

  2. the friday night moe. show set the weekend on fire! I arrived late and was bummed that I missed keller's set, but was cheered up with him coming outta noo where joinin' moe. to do an unreal mix of all along the watch tower and stairway to heaven...

    moe went on to play in my opion the best set of the weekend!

    oh and mcbain was my fav song they played all weekend :P

  3. i kept crackin up as i layed on the hill checkin out the shows...when people would run down the hill...all i would hear is the russel of the grass as they would fly by me...i kept joking they were hobbits running away from us all...

    ever time i would see someone running..i was yellin hobbit sighting..haha

    my mind was in another world though :P

    what a weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. twas a great time! long ass haul in a vdub though!

    THANKS to WILLY we were able to get started up and get home! THANkyou very much again...

    Plus great seein you guys again.

    Great to meet you Paan AGAIN..haha met so many times but always forget names

    and to all the others I met thanks for a really nice intimate time!

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