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Posts posted by Baj

  1. man that would be unreal...dream trip...fish the whole summer!

    man I hate work... just want to escape like that!

    have a great time!...catch some trophies and snap a picture..then release them to spawn more big guys...only eat the little small pan size guys.

  2. my cat I named sylvester cause he looked like sylvester from bugs bunny..and was the sole surviver of our dog brandy's attempt to play with the rest of the litter of kitchens and accidently killing them during the night. Anywho...sylvester was one touch cat..once..jumped on the back of a giant basset hound that had walked into our driveway...digging his claws in he road that basset hound the whole way down our driveway! hahahaha ahhh sylvester god rest his feline soul.

  3. This was my 4th CTMF this past 24weekend, and have gotten to know "Lanny" quite well. I'm sure most of you have gotten to know him quite well..hahaha.. he is the "president" as him and the other seasonal campers call him. He looks identical to Lanny Mcdonald! Anyway "Lanny" is the coolest cat Izzy's has ever seen...he is the best..told me the producer of the trailer park boys was there eariler in the season before this last CTMF and bumped into "Lanny" at 8:00am as Lanny was steppin outta his trailer in nothing but a pair of overhauls crackin a beer. They got talkin' and he wanted Lanny in an episode. Who knows if this is really gonna happen...but I hope it does... maybe we should start emailin the boyz and convince them to shoot during the next CTMF!

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