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Posts posted by Tenenbaum

  1. here's my account as a video store clerk at the time:

    that morning I was trying to sleep-in after yesterday's 13hr shift but the phone kept ringing and I refused to pick it up.

    once I awoke I checked my e-mail and the only one from my friend read, "see you in the trenches, next year in Jerusalem";

    still clueless, I turn on the tv and the first image I see is a recap of the 2nd plane hitting in slow-mo... my jaw dropped.

    went back to work for the evening shift at Queen Video, and the shop was dead empty the entire night; why watch a movie when you can see the real thing on tv? My co-worker and I just philosophized about the event all night while we listened to the Twin Peaks soundtrack.

    anyway, that following Saturday was the BUSIEST I've ever seen at the video shop. Everyone was renting comedies, it was a surreal yet logical response to the lugubrious week left behind.

  2. how long will you be in Sitka for? I might be there for a night August 20/21.

    have we hooked up before?

    hope it's not too cloudy over there; i was there once and it was clear skies... oh my!

  3. my older yuppy bro's in Chicago for business; last night he sends me a text message, "do you like Violent Femmes?"

    right then I was overcome with jealousy and knew he was at Lola with his business colleagues partying up a Friday night.

    i then checked the schedule and replied, "if you don't catch Ween at 8:30, I'll never speak to you again!"

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